Телепрограмма на каждый день с 1975 года
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7 программ
10-01-1964, пт
Каналы [6]: BBC Home Service (London), BBC Home Service (Midland), BBC Home Service (North), BBC Home Service (Scottish), BBC Home Service (South and West), BBC Home Service (Welsh)
Регион: Великобритания
Источник: Radio Times
10-01-1964, пт
Каналы [5]: 1-я программа Узбекского радио, 2-я программа Узбекского радио, УзТВ-1, УзТВ-2, КазТВ
Регион: Узбекистан
Источник: Правда Востока
06-01-1964 - 12-01-1964
Каналы [4]: Первая программа ЦТ СССР+ Белорусская программа ЦТ, Вторая программа ЦТ СССР, Витебская студия телевидения, Брестская студия телевидения
Регион: Белоруссия
Источник: Беларускае тэлебачанне і радыё
10-01-1964, пт
Каналы [4]: BBC TV, BBC Home Service (Northern Ireland), BBC Light Programme, BBC Third Programme
Регион: Ольстер, Великобритания
Источник: Radio Times
[ - ]
10:45 - 11:00 - Watch with mother. For the very young. The woodentops.
13:00 - Newyddion. News in Welsh.
13:05 - Heddiw. Owen Edwards
13:25 - The News
13:30 - 13:45 - Watch with mother. The Flowerpot Men.
17:10 - Time for tich
17:35 - For deaf children. A programme about cars.
18:00 - The news
18:10 - Six-ten. Up-to-the-minute news and views in Northern Ireland followed by weather
18:35 - World Zoos
19:00 - Tonight. Introduced by Cliff Michelmore
19:35 - Comedy Playhouse. The Hen House
20:00 - The defenders. A film series of courtroom dramas starring E. G. Marshall and Robert Reed in the Crowd Pleaser
20:50 - The Dick van Dyke show
21:15 - The news
21:25 - An evening with Nat "King" Cole.
22:15 - Points of view with Robert Robinson
22:20 - Teletale. The Break by Christopher Williams
22:50 - The sky at night. The Ghosts of the Universe
23:10 - The news
23:25 - The weather: Closedown
23:27 - 23:57 - Welsh transmitters. Ymhob pen mae 'piniwn

BBC Home Service (Northern Ireland)
6:40 - Farm bulletin
6:50 - Lift up your hearts
6:55 - Weather
7:00 - Greenwich time signal. The news
7:10 - Programme parade
7:15 - Today
7:45 - Today's papers
7:55 - Weather
8:00 - Greenwich time signal. News
8:10 - Programme parade
8:15 - Today. Second edition
8:40 - Today's papers
8:45 - The rocks remain
9:00 - Greenwich time signal. The news
9:05 - The night I saved the modern ballet
9:20 - English songs
9:50 - This week's composer. Dvorak.
10:15 - Daily service
10:31 - Music while you work
11:00 - Greenwich time signal. Edmundo Ros and his Latin-American Orchestra
11:30 - Country questions
12:00 - The buildings of England
12:15 - Any answers?
12:45 - What's on?
12:55 - News and weather for Northern Ireland
13:00 - Greenwich time signal. The news
13:10 - Pick of the week
14:00 - Victorian album
14:30 - Four hands
15:00 - Melody on strings
15:30 - Readings on record
16:00 - Northern promenade concert
17:00 - For the young. Alexander Armstrong. A dialogue story written by John D. Stewart
"Let's Sleep All Winter
17:15 - Songs to the guitar. By Steve Bensow.
17:25 - The stranger. A science fiction play in six episodes by G. K. Saunders. Episode 3.
17:55 - Weather.
18:00 - Greenwich time signal. The news
18:10 - The Northern Ireland news
18:15 - News review
18:32 - Stock market report
18:35 - Music on the move. Played by the BBC Northern Dance Orchestra
19:00 - Challenging brass. A radio competition for bands Round 1.
19:30 - The arts in Ulster. A Londonderry edition. Introduced by Brian Friel
20:00 - Orchestral concert. Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra. Part 1
20:43 - The Interval. A month at grandma's
20:58 - Orchestral concert. Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra. Part 2.
21:30 - The Omar Khayyam Show.
22:00 - Ten o'clock. The News. Background to the news. People in the news.
22:30 - The I.C. Snow with Ivor Cutler of Y'Hup, O.M.P.
22:45 - Vocal duets. Victoria de Los Angeles (soprano), Dietrich Fisher-Dieskau (baritone) with Gerald Moore (piano)
22:59 - Weather forecast
23:00 - Greenwich time signal. The news
23:02 - A book at bedtime. The unforgiving Wind. By John Harris.
23:15 - Music at night. Rachmaninov. Sonata in G minor.
23:47 - Closedown

BBC Light Programme
6:30 - Weather. News. Followed by Bright and Early
6:45 - Greenwich time signal. Shipping forecasts (1.500 m. only)
7:00 - Morning music
7:30 - News. Weather forecasts.
8:30 - News. Weather forecasts.
8:55 - Metcast
9:00 - Greenwich time signal. Housewives' choice
9:30 - News
9:55 - Five to ten
10:00 - Greenwich time signal. Val doonican with Laurie Steele
10:30 - News
10:31 - Music while you work
11:00 - Morning story. "A Dog's Duty"
11:15 - The dales
11:30 - News
11:31 - Melody mixture
12:00 - Greenwich time signal. Twelve o'clock spin
12:30 - News
12:31 - Go man go. David Ede.
13:30 - News
13:31 - Let's go with Benny Lee
13:40 - Shipping forecasts (1.500 m. only)
13:45 - Listen with mother. For children under five. Today's story: "Teddy's New Coat by Hazel Meyrick".
14:00 - Greenwich time signal. Woman's hour. Introduced by Pamela Creighton
14:30 - News
15:00 - Greenwich time signal. At you request. Sandy Machpeson at the organ of the Gaumont, Kilburn.
15:30 - News
15:31 - Music while you work
16:15 - The dales
16:30 - News
16:31 - Racing results
16:33 - Playtime
17:00 - Roundabout
17:30 - News
17:58 - Shipping forecasts (1.500 m. only)
18:30 - News. Weather forecasts
18:33 - Sports review
18:45 - The archers. Written by Edward J. Mason
19:00 - Greenwich time signal. News and radio newsreel.
19:30 - News
19:31 - Pride of the pacific. A new series of stories written for radio by Rex Rienits.
20:00 - The Navy Lark. A chronicle of events
aboard H.M.S. Troutbridge
20:30 - Greenwich time signal. News and tonight's topic.
20:40 - Any questions? A spontaneous discussion by Dr. J Bronowski, Lord Mancroft, Basil Boothroyd etc.
21:30 - Friday night is music night.
22:30 - News
22:31 - Music before midnight with Margaret Bond, Danny Williams
23:30 - News
23:40 - Just before midnight. The crack of doom. By Frederick Bradnum
23:55 - Late news
00:00 - Closedown
00:20 - Shipping forecasts (1.500 m. only)

BBC Third Programme
18:30 - Study session. German for Beginners. Lesson 17.
18:50 - Language listening practice. French.
19:00 - Talking about drama. N.F. Simpson.
19:30 - Motoring and the motorist. Introduced by Bill Hartley.
20:00 - The writer's craft
21:00 - The coffee table. By Michael Senior.
21:30 - Beethoven and Mendelssohn. Trio in E flat major, Op. 7, No. 2 (Beethoven), Trio in D minor, Op. 49 (Mendelssohn)
22:35 - Peig sayers. An old Woman's reflections. Translated from the Irish by Seamus Ennis
23:00 - The news.
23:15 - Market trends
23:20 - Closedown
09-01-1964 - 10-01-1964
Каналы [2]: 1-я программа, 2-я программа
Регион: Московская область
Источник: Люберецкая правда 3 (8801) (5,33Mb)
10-01-1964 - 11-01-1964
Каналы [2]: Белорусское радио 1, Белорусское радио 2
Регион: Белоруссия
Источник: Беларускае радыё і тэлебачанне
04-01-1964 - 10-01-1964
Каналы [1]: BBC General Overseas Service
Регион: Европа
Источник: Radio Times
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