Телепрограмма на каждый день с 1975 года
13-02-2025, чт
Каналы [17]: Antena 1 HD RO, DIGI WORLD RO, HGTV, Kiss TV RO, Magic TV RO, Mooz Dance RO, Mooz Hits RO, Mooz RO, Music Channel RO, National TV, Orizont TV, Rock TV RO, TVR1, TVR2, TVRi, UTV RO, ZU TV RO
Регион: Румыния
Источник: iptvx.one, teleguide.info
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Antena 1 HD RO

Час. пояс МСК -1 / Time zone: UTC 2

05:00 Ești mai deștept decât un copil de clasa a V-a?
06:00 Observator – Sport/Meteo/IQ Financiar
08:00 Neatza cu Răzvan şi Dani
12:00 Observator
14:00 Mireasa – Iubește românește
17:00 Observator
18:00 Ești mai deștept decât un copil de clasa a V-a
19:00 Observator – Sport/Meteo
20:30 Ana, mi-ai fost scrisă în ADN
23:30 Observator – Sport/IQ Financiar
00:15 Power Couple – La bine si la greu
04:00 Narcos


Час. пояс МСК -1 / Time zone: UTC 2

05:10 O nouă perspectivă
06:00 Secretele istoriei
07:42 Filler Digipedia – Geopolitic
07:45 Alexander Armstrong la Palatul Buckingham
08:30 Marile mistere
09:25 Pe malul lacurilor italienești
10:17 Filler Digipedia – Geopolitic
10:20 Pădurea subacvatică
11:15 Aromele României: Dobrogea
12:01 Filler Digipedia – AI Mobile
12:05 Drumul
13:00 Coreea de Sud, cu Alexander Armstrong
13:45 Filler Digipedia – Margineanu
13:50 Filler Digipedia – Margineanu
13:55 Insula Phuket după dispariția turismului de masă
14:38 Filler Digipedia Special – Expeditie
14:42 Filler Digipedia Special – Expeditie
14:50 Călătoriile lui Darley
15:15 Călătoriile lui Darley
15:41 Filler Digipedia – Poluare
15:46 Filler Digipedia – Poluare
15:50 Joanna Lumley: pe urma condimentelor
16:40 Construcţii gigantice
17:30 O nouă perspectivă
18:15 Filler Digipedia – Speologie Focul Viu
18:20 Alexander Armstrong la Palatul Buckingham
19:04 Digi Portret
19:10 Marile mistere
20:05 Arome din Jura
21:00 Călătorie cu trenul, văzută de sus
21:46 Digi Portret – Stefan Caltia
21:53 Digi Portret – Dan Dinu
22:00 Secretele istoriei
23:50 Misiunea secretă a lui Hitler
00:40 Egregora, aventura continuă
01:01 Filler Digipedia – AI Mobile
01:05 Coreea de Sud, cu Alexander Armstrong
01:50 Insula Phuket după dispariția turismului de masă
02:35 Călătoriile lui Darley
03:00 Călătoriile lui Darley
03:26 Filler Digipedia – Braille
03:30 Joanna Lumley: pe urma condimentelor
04:20 Construcţii gigantice


Час. пояс МСК -1 / Time zone: UTC 2

05:00 Охотники за недвижимостью, 153 с-н 8 с. Trick Or Treat In Atlanta
05:30 Игра вслепую, 5 с-н 5 с. Beached Bungalow
06:00 Игра вслепую, 5 с-н 6 с. Old Time Flip
06:30 Большие мечты о маленьком доме, 12 с. Charles And Dakota's Tiny Bus House
07:00 Строительство за чертой, 6 с. Custom Cafe Courtyard
08:00 Ремонт в Чикаго, 4 с-н 10 с. No Time To Wait
09:00 Жизнь на острове, 13 с-н 11 с. Outer Banks Coastal Charm
09:30 Жизнь на острове, 13 с-н 12 с. Views Of The Sand Dunes
10:00 Жизнь на острове, 13 с-н 14 с. Water Views On Ono Island
10:30 Жизнь на острове, 15 с-н 1 с. Ferry To Bainbridge Island
11:00 Несносный ремонт, 3 с-н 3 с. Bachelor Pad
12:00 Несносный ремонт, 3 с-н 4 с. Tudor Is Cuter
13:00 Renovation 911, 1 с.
14:00 Renovation 911, 2 с.
15:00 Природа ремонта, 2 с-н 5 с. Islands In The Lodge
16:00 Природа ремонта, 2 с-н 6 с. A River Runs Through It
17:00 Звездный ремонт, 3 с-н 7 с. Wilmer Valderrama's Surprise Garage Reno
18:00 Несносный ремонт, 10 с. Midcentury Modernized
19:00 Неогранённый алмаз, 4 с-н 6 с. Giving Family, Sweet Upgrade
20:00 Идеальные дома от Нейта и Джеремайи, 4 с. The Gift of Home Project
21:00 Дом не продаётся, 3 с-н 3 с. Million Dollar Design
22:00 Кристина за городом, 2 с-н 5 с. Modernizing Memories
23:00 Преображённый квартал, 4 с-н 3 с. Betting On Detroit
00:00 Счастливый дом, 2 с-н 8 с. Happy To Restore A Lodge
01:00 Flipping Out With My Dad, 1 с. Two Houses, One Block
02:00 Жизнь на острове, 15 с-н 9 с. Back Home On Newport, RI
02:30 Жизнь на острове, 15 с-н 10 с. Planting Roots
03:00 Джек-пот: мы покупаем дом, 12 с-н 8 с. Oh, My Goodness!
03:30 Джек-пот: мы покупаем дом, 12 с-н 9 с. Rags To Riches
04:00 Дом у моря за бесценок, 24 с-н 13 с. Relax And Space For Max
04:30 Охотники за недвижимостью, 153 с-н 9 с. Historic House In Michigan

Kiss TV RO

Час. пояс МСК -1 / Time zone: UTC 2

06:00 Rise & Kiss
10:00 Kiss Alert
13:00 Kiss After School
16:00 Hits For Hours
19:00 Kiss Alert
21:00 Kiss Cinema
02:00 Kiss By Night

Magic TV RO

Час. пояс МСК -1 / Time zone: UTC 2

10:00 Magic Music at Work
13:00 Magic Afternoon Coffee
16:00 Magic Drive Music
19:00 Magic Music – The Best Music Variety!
22:00 Magic Night Hits

Далее программа может быть обрезана

Mooz Dance RO

Час. пояс МСК -1 / Time zone: UTC 2

08:00 Wake Up & Mooz
10:00 Mooz & Dance
16:00 Moves @ Mooz
20:00 Mooz To The Club
00:00 Moozmania

Mooz Hits RO

Час. пояс МСК -1 / Time zone: UTC 2

07:00 Mooz Matinee
10:00 Mooz My Day
16:00 Moozmix
20:00 World Of Mooz
00:00 Mooz By Night

Mooz RO

Час. пояс МСК -1 / Time zone: UTC 2

07:00 Moozik de prima oră
10:00 Mooz 1016
13:00 Mooz 1016
16:00 Moozik 4X4
20:00 Play: Mooz Ro
00:00 Moozik nopţii
04:00 Moozik nopţii

Music Channel RO

Час. пояс МСК -1 / Time zone: UTC 2

Ранее программа может быть обрезана

09:00 3 Play
09:15 Morning Mix
10:00 Today's Hitlist – TOP 10
11:00 11 Vids we're loving right now
12:00 Versus
12:30 Hot + Hits
13:00 POWER play's this week top 10
13:45 Hot+Hits
14:00 Ro
14:30 Hot+Hits
16:30 Versus
17:00 Get fresh! – TODAY'S HOTTEST 5
17:30 Social Media Chart
18:00 Today's hot boys
19:00 Balkan & oriental express
20:00 Hot + Hits
20:30 3 Play
20:45 Hot+Hits
21:00 LA MAXIMA!
22:00 Today's Hitlist
23:00 Alternative Hour
00:00 Indie Chart
01:00 Nightshift

National TV

Час. пояс МСК -1 / Time zone: UTC 2

05:00 Baronii
06:00 Stiri National TV
06:30 Baronii
07:00 Voua
07:15 Baronii
11:15 Serial: Don Matteo, ep. 192
12:30 Serial: Don Matteo, ep. 193
13:45 Teleshopping
14:00 Stiri National TV
14:15 Baronii
14:45 Voua
15:00 Serial: Anupamaa, ep. 239
16:00 Baronii
16:30 Serial: Don Matteo, ep. 194
18:00 Serial: Don Matteo, ep. 195
19:30 Stiri National TV
20:00 Serial: Anupamaa, ep. 242
21:00 Serial: Suflete tradate 2, ep. 198
00:00 Film: OSTATICUL

Orizont TV

Час. пояс МСК -1 / Time zone: UTC 2

06:00 Muzică
07:00 Muzică
08:00 Un cântec pentru fiecare
10:00 Oameni de lângă noi
12:30 Viaţa fără preaviz
15:30 Un cântec pentru fiecare
18:30 Oameni de lângă noi
19:00 Oameni de lângă noi
21:00 Viaţa fără preaviz
23:00 Reportajele Orizont TV
00:00 Paraclisul
01:00 Muzică

Rock TV RO

Час. пояс МСК -1 / Time zone: UTC 2

06:00 We Will Rock You
07:00 We Will Rock You
10:00 Rockaholic
19:00 Rock This Way
00:00 Hard Nights


Час. пояс МСК -1 / Time zone: UTC 2

05:05 Oamenii si legea
05:50 AgroStrategia
06:40 Serial: Fiica regelui, ep. 53
08:00 Telejurnal matinal
10:45 Teleshopping
11:00 AgroStrategia
12:00 Care pe care
13:00 Teleshopping
13:30 Parlamentul Romaniei
14:00 Oamenii si legea
14:55 Vorbeste corect!
15:00 Telejurnal
15:55 Zi de zi cu parintele Constantin Necula
16:00 Akzente
17:00 Akzente
18:00 Serial: Fiica regelui
19:15 Punctul critic
20:45 Sport
21:00 Telejurnal
21:55 Meteo
22:00 Dosar Romania
00:00 Izolati in Romania
00:30 Istorii ascunse
01:00 Punctul critic
02:30 Dosar Romania
04:10 Telejurnal


Час. пояс МСК -1 / Time zone: UTC 2

05:00 Telescoala
05:25 Telescoala
05:50 Documentar: 360°GEO
06:45 Destine ca-n filme
07:40 Teleshopping
08:00 Generatia Fit
08:25 Romania… in bucate
08:50 Puternici, impreuna
09:45 Teleshopping
10:00 Telescoala
10:30 Telescoala
11:00 Teleshopping
11:30 Documentar: 360°GEO
12:30 Cap compas
13:00 Telejurnal
13:40 Teleshopping
14:00 Cultura minoritatilor
14:30 Educatia la putere
16:00 Telescoala
16:30 Telescoala
17:00 Magazin Deutsche Welle
17:30 Romania… in bucate
18:00 Cursa prin istorie
19:00 Ora de Stiri
19:50 E vremea ta!
20:05 Serial: Comisarul Rex
21:00 Sfantul Paisie – din farasa spre cer
22:10 Istorii de bun gust
23:05 Educatia la putere
00:30 Serial: Comisarul Rex
01:30 Memorialul durerii
02:30 Istorii de bun gust
03:30 Ora de Stiri
04:15 E vremea ta!
04:30 Pofticiosi, la cratita!


Час. пояс МСК -1 / Time zone: UTC 2

05:00 Punctul critic
06:15 Reteaua de idoli
07:00 Articolul VII
08:00 Telejurnal matinal
09:50 Discover Romania
10:00 Telematinal
10:55 Concert aniversar
12:35 Prezente romanesti
13:00 Articolul VII
14:00 Europa mea
14:55 Vorbeste corect!
15:00 Telejurnal
15:35 Romania… in bucate
16:00 Istorii ascunse
16:30 Lumea si noi
17:00 Puternici, impreuna
17:45 Punctul critic
19:00 Telejurnal Moldova
19:45 Reportajele/Interviurile Telejurnalului
20:00 Dincolo de alb si negru
21:00 Telejurnal
21:55 Zi de zi cu parintele Constantin Necula
22:00 Romania in lume
23:00 Dosar Romania
01:00 Jurnal cultural
02:00 Istorii cu talc
03:00 Istorii ascunse
03:30 Lumea si noi
04:00 Telejurnal
04:55 Zi de zi cu parintele Constantin Necula


Час. пояс МСК -1 / Time zone: UTC 2

07:00 Alarm Clock
10:00 Music Brunch
12:00 All about
13:00 Music Brunch
14:00 Everything is awesome!
17:00 All about Music
20:00 Top 10 L.A
21:00 All about music
23:00 UNights
00:00 All about Music
01:00 DND My Night


Час. пояс МСК -1 / Time zone: UTC 2

06:00 Eat, Sleep, ZU, Repeat
07:00 ZUnrise
08:00 ZU News
08:02 ZUnrise
10:00 Hitman Hot 10
11:00 BIG IN
12:00 Torpedoul lui Morar + Eat, Sleep, ZU, Repeat
13:00 Eat, Sleep, ZU, Repeat
14:00 Celebrity Playlist
15:00 Eat, Sleep, ZU, Repeat
16:00 ZU News
16:02 Torpedoul lui Morar + Eat, Sleep, ZU, Repeat
17:00 Face 2 Face
18:00 Torpedoul lui Morar + Eat, Sleep, ZU, Repeat
19:00 Eat, Sleep, ZU, Repeat
20:00 BIG IN
21:00 K-POP
22:00 Torpedoul lui Morar + Eat, Sleep, ZU, Repeat
23:00 Face 2 Face
00:00 ZU News
00:02 ZUeet Dreams
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