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Час. пояс МСК -1
Antena 1 HD RO
05:00 Ești mai deștept decât un copil de clasa a V-a?
06:00 Observator – Sport/Meteo/IQ Financiar
08:00 Neatza cu Răzvan şi Dani
12:00 Observator
14:00 Iubire cu parfum de lavandă
17:00 Observator
18:00 Ești mai deștept decât un copil de clasa a V-a
19:00 Observator – Sport/Meteo
20:30 Chefi la cuțite
00:00 Observator – Sport/IQ Financiar
00:45 Iubire cu parfum de lavandă
04:00 Hello Chef
05:05 Filler Ingrediente
05:10 Vacanta raw
05:35 Vacanta raw
06:00 Secretele istoriei
07:55 Trenurile care au schimbat lumea
08:37 Filler Digipedia – Artemis
08:40 Joanna Lumley: pe urma condimentelor
09:30 Lacurile lui Simon Reeve
10:30 America sălbatică
11:25 Ce văd animalele?
11:55 Filler Ingrediente
12:00 Picturi celebre
12:54 Filler Ingrediente
13:00 Călătoria
13:51 Filler Digipedia – EVOLUTIA UNIVERSULUI 1
13:55 Filler Digipedia – EVOLUTIA UNIVERSULUI 1
14:00 Arome din insula de nord a Noii Zeelande
14:53 Filler Calusarii
15:00 Navigând prin lume
15:50 Curiozităţi
16:00 O nouă perspectivă
16:46 O lume ciudată
16:55 FILLER Colecționarii – Raluca Partenie
17:00 Vacanta raw
17:25 Vacanta raw
17:50 Ultimele descoperiri
18:00 Trenurile de lux ale Marii Britanii
18:48 O lume ciudată
18:57 Filler Digipedia – Artemis
19:00 Spectaculoasa planetă albastră
19:53 Digi Portret
20:00 Lacurile lui Simon Reeve
21:00 Joanna Lumley: mari oraşe ale lumii
21:48 Ultimele descoperiri
22:00 Arome din Paris
22:55 Secretele istoriei
01:10 Un infinit de curcubeie
01:35 Călătoria
02:26 FILLER Colecționarii – Eugen Ciocan
02:30 Arome din insula de nord a Noii Zeelande
03:25 Navigând prin lume
04:15 FILLER Colecționarii – Dumitru
04:20 O nouă perspectivă
05:00 Охотники за недвижимостью, 157 с-н 7 с. A Duel In Durham
05:30 Игра вслепую. Нэшвилл, 8 с. Low Wattage Cottage
06:00 Игра вслепую. Нэшвилл, 9 с. Downsize To Maximize
06:30 Короли бассейнов, 6 с-н 9 с. Ponds Have More Fun
07:00 Дом не продаётся, 5 с-н 9 с. Worst House Gains Big Equity
08:00 Звездный ремонт, 4 с-н 12 с. Rosario Dawson's House Glow Up
09:00 Ремонт в Чикаго, 2 с-н 11 с. Suburban Jungle
10:00 Ремонт в Чикаго, 2 с-н 12 с. From Greece to the Gold Coast
11:00 Ремонт в Чикаго, 2 с-н 13 с. Suburban Stunner
12:00 Неогранённый алмаз: Италия, 4 с. Marrs Take Tuscany
13:00 Неогранённый алмаз: Италия, 5 с. Old Ways, New Problems
14:00 Неогранённый алмаз: Италия, 6 с. Unveiling The Villa
15:00 Rehab Addict Lake House Rescue, 1 с. The Little Lake Cottage
16:00 Rehab Addict Lake House Rescue, 2 с. Old Parts Are the Best Parts
17:00 Rehab Addict Lake House Rescue, 3 с. New Construction Blues
18:00 Охотники за международной недвижимостью: Балканы, 2 с-н 9 с.
18:30 Охотники за международной недвижимостью: Балканы, 2 с-н 10 с.
19:00 Жизнь в бревенчатом домике, 8 с-н 8 с. Finding Rest In Wisconsin
19:30 Жизнь в бревенчатом домике, 8 с-н 9 с. SW Pennsylvania Log Home
20:00 Счастливый дом, 2 с-н 1 с. Happy To Tiptoe Into Color
21:00 Что не так с этим домом?, 2 с. Sleepy Hollow Home Of Hazards
22:00 Строим дом за 100 дней, 5 с-н 5 с. Home Away From Home
23:30 Охотники за недвижимостью. Рождество, 1 с. A Home For Holiday Memories
00:00 Положитесь на братьев, 9 с. Garage Gambling
01:00 Ремонт в Чикаго, 4 с-н 4 с. Better Than Christmas
02:00 Жизнь на острове, 15 с-н 6 с. Family Time In Carolina Beach
02:30 Жизнь на острове, 15 с-н 7 с. Postcard Life In Wisconsin
03:00 Джек-пот: мы покупаем дом, 3 с-н 2 с. Brotherly Luck
03:30 Джек-пот: мы покупаем дом, 3 с-н 3 с. Lake House Lottery
04:00 Дом у моря за бесценок, 20 с-н 12 с. Resort Getaway On The Strand
04:30 Охотники за недвижимостью, 157 с-н 8 с. Return To St. Louis
Kiss TV RO
06:00 Rise & Kiss
10:00 Kiss Alert
13:00 Kiss After School
16:00 Hits For Hours
19:00 Kiss Alert
21:00 Big Beats
02:00 Kiss By Night
Magic TV RO
10:00 Magic Music at Work
13:00 Magic Afternoon Coffee
16:00 Magic Drive Music
19:00 Magic Music – The Best Music Variety!
22:00 Magic Night Hits
Далее программа может быть обрезана
Mooz Dance RO
08:00 Wake Up & Mooz
10:00 Mooz & Dance
16:00 Moves @ Mooz
20:00 Mooz To The Club
00:00 Mooz Nightclub
Mooz Hits RO
07:00 Mooz Matinee
10:00 Mooz My Day
16:00 Moozmix
20:00 World Of Mooz
00:00 Mooz By Night
Mooz RO
07:00 Moozik de prima oră
10:00 Mooz 1016
13:00 Mooz 1016
16:00 Moozik 4X4
20:00 Play: Mooz Ro
00:00 Moozik nopţii
04:00 Moozik nopţii
Music Channel RO
06:00 Morning Mix
09:00 3 Play
09:15 Morning Mix
10:00 Today’s Hitlist
11:00 11 Vids we're loving right now
12:00 Versus
12:30 Hot + Hits
13:00 Dance Chart – This week's TOP 10
13:45 Hot+Hits
14:00 Ro
14:30 Hot+Hits
16:30 Versus
17:00 Get fresh! – TODAY'S HOTTEST 5
17:30 Social Media Chart
18:00 Today's hot boys
19:00 Balkan & oriental express
20:00 Hot + Hits
20:30 3 Play
20:45 Hot+Hits
22:00 Today's Hitlist
23:00 Today's hot girls
00:00 Clubland – This week's TOP 10
01:00 Nightshift
National TV
05:15 Voua
05:30 Baronii
06:00 Stiri National TV
06:30 Baronii
07:00 Voua
07:30 Albumul National
11:15 Serial: Don Matteo, ep. 126
12:30 Serial: Don Matteo, ep. 127
13:45 Teleshopping
14:00 Stiri National TV
14:15 Baronii
14:45 Voua
15:00 Serial: Anupamaa, ep. 188
16:00 Serial: Dragoste dulce Amara, ep. 436
17:00 Serial: Don Matteo, ep. 128
18:15 Serial: Don Matteo, ep. 129
19:30 Stiri National TV
20:00 Serial: Anupamaa, ep. 191
21:00 Serial: Dragoste dulce Amara, ep. 437
02:15 Albumul National
04:15 Serial: Anupamaa, ep. 189
Orizont TV
06:00 Muzică
07:00 Muzică
08:00 Un cântec pentru fiecare
10:00 Oameni de lângă noi
12:30 Viaţa fără preaviz
15:30 Un cântec pentru fiecare
18:30 ⋗ Oameni de lângă noi
21:00 ⋗ Viaţa fără preaviz
00:00 Paraclisul
01:00 Muzică
Rock TV RO
06:00 We Will Rock You
07:00 We Will Rock You
10:00 Rockaholic
19:00 Rock This Way
00:00 Hard Nights
05:40 AgroStrategia
06:30 Glob cooker
06:45 Serial: Fiica regelui, ep. 16
08:00 Telejurnal matinal
10:45 Teleshopping
11:00 AgroStrategia
12:00 Film: O aventura de Craciun
14:00 Oamenii si legea
14:45 Mesajul de Craciun al Majestatii Sale Margareta Custodele Coroanei Romane
14:55 Vorbeste corect!
15:00 Telejurnal
15:55 Zi de zi cu parintele Constantin Necula
16:00 Maghiara de pe unu
17:00 Maghiara de pe unu
17:45 Serial: Fiica regelui, ep. 17
19:00 Concert de colinde corul Madrigal
20:45 Sport
21:00 Telejurnal
21:55 Meteo
22:00 Telecinemateca
00:00 Concert colinde Ioan Bocsa
02:00 Film: Omul care a inventat Craciunul
03:50 Sport
04:00 Telejurnal
04:50 Meteo
04:55 Oamenii si legea
05:55 Iarna amintirilor
06:50 Istorii de bun gust
07:40 Teleshopping
08:00 Generatia Fit
08:25 Romania… in bucate
08:50 Serial: Mystic
09:45 Teleshopping
10:00 Zice el, Aricitotel
11:00 Teleshopping
11:30 Film: animatie
13:00 Telejurnal
13:40 Teleshopping
14:00 Cultura minoritatilor
14:30 Film: Comoara din spatele cartilor 2
16:05 Serial: Mystic
17:05 Magazin Deutsche Welle
17:35 Romania… in bucate
18:00 Zice el, Aricitotel
19:00 Ora de Stiri
19:50 E vremea ta!
20:05 Serial: Comisarul Rex
21:00 Credo
23:30 John Williams – Concertul de la Berlin
01:10 Serial: Comisarul Rex
02:10 Film: animatie
03:45 Ora de stiri
04:30 E vremea ta!
04:45 Film: Strajerii Deltei
05:00 Drumul lui Lese
06:00 Breaking Fake News
07:00 Un doctor pentru dumneavoastra
08:00 Telejurnal matinal
09:50 Diasporadar
09:55 Mic portret de mari romance
10:00 Telematinal
11:00 Daruieste Romanie!
12:35 Satul meu
13:20 Cap de afis
14:50 Mesajul de Craciun al Majestatii Sale Margareta Custodele Coroanei Romane
15:00 Telejurnal
15:35 Romania… in bucate
16:00 Cap de afis
17:30 Sarbatoare populara
19:30 Madrigal de Craciun
20:50 Colind Alexandra Coman
20:55 Zi de zi cu parintele Constantin Necula
21:00 Credo
23:10 Colind Alexandra Coman
23:15 Vorbeste corect!
23:20 Concert
01:00 Concert de colinde Ioan Bocsa
02:40 Fata cu cartea
02:50 Discover Romania
03:00 Concert TVR Cultural
03:50 Colind Alexandra Coman
04:00 Telejurnal
04:45 Zi de zi cu parintele Constantin Necula
04:50 Concert
07:00 Music Brunch
10:00 Liza's Vlog
10:15 Music Brunch
12:00 Weekend Special
13:00 Bust a Move
13:15 Music Brunch
14:00 U Tops
16:00 Do Not Disturb
18:00 All about Music
19:00 UNews
19:15 All about Music
20:00 Poliţia Muzicii
20:15 All about Music
21:00 Battle of the Week
22:00 All about Music
01:00 DND My Night
06:00 Eat, Sleep, ZU, Repeat
07:00 ZUnrise
08:00 ZU News
08:02 ZUnrise
10:00 Hitman Hot 10
11:00 BIG IN
12:00 Torpedoul lui Morar + Eat, Sleep, ZU, Repeat
13:00 Eat, Sleep, ZU, Repeat
14:00 Celebrity Playlist
15:00 Eat, Sleep, ZU, Repeat
16:00 ZU News
16:02 Torpedoul lui Morar + Eat, Sleep, ZU, Repeat
17:00 Face 2 Face
18:00 Torpedoul lui Morar + Eat, Sleep, ZU, Repeat
19:00 Eat, Sleep, ZU, Repeat
20:00 BIG IN
21:00 K-POP
22:00 Torpedoul lui Morar + Eat, Sleep, ZU, Repeat
23:00 Face 2 Face
00:00 ZU News
00:02 ZUeet Dreams
01:00 ZUeet Dreams