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Ajara TV
Час. пояс МСК 1
06:20 დილის რადიო - FM104.5
06:45 დილის რადიო - FM104.5
08:00 м/с ანიმაცია
09:30 დოკუმენტური ფილმი
10:30 х/ф დოლის და სპენკის თავგადასავალი
12:00 მთავარი
12:20 «ZOOM»-ი-განათლებაზე
12:50 იმპულსი
13:20 დარტსი
13:30 ეთნოფორი
14:10 საავტორო დოკუმენტური ფილმების ციკლი
15:00 მთავარი
15:20 х/ф მედისონი
17:00 დოკუმენტური ფილმი
17:30 რაკურსი ევროპისკენ
18:00 მთავარი
18:20 გასტრო მოყვარული
18:45 დოკუმენტური ფილმი
19:30 х/ф მოგზაურის დღიური
20:00 მთავარი
20:30 მუს - Own
21:00 საავტორო დოკუმენტური ფილმების ციკლი
22:00 ერთი დღე სოფელში
22:40 თეთრი კვადრატი
00:15 х/ф დაურეკეთ ჯეინს
01:50 х/ф არქივი
02:10 დოკუმენტური ფილმი
04:30 მუს - Own
Al Jazeera International
Час. пояс МСК 0
05:00 News Live
05:30 UpFront
06:00 News Live
06:30 Inside Story
07:00 News Live
07:30 Mindset: Denmark / Jamaica
08:00 News Live
08:30 Witness: ROT54: Armenia's Forgotten Space Giant
09:00 News Live
09:30 Inside Story
10:00 Newshour
11:00 News Live
11:30 The Stream: Long COVID: Life in Isolation
12:00 News Live
12:30 Counting the Cost
13:00 Newshour
14:00 News Live
14:30 Inside Story
15:00 News Live
15:30 People & Power: Iraq's Water Wars. Part 2
16:00 Newshour
17:00 News Live
17:30 UpFront
18:00 Newshour
19:00 Newshour
20:00 News Live
20:30 Inside Story
21:00 Newshour
22:00 Newshour
23:00 News Live
23:30 Talk to Al Jazeera
00:00 Newshour
01:00 Newshour
02:00 News Live
02:30 The Bottom Line
03:00 News Live
03:30 Inside Story
04:00 News Live
04:30 People & Power: Iraq's Water Wars. Part 2
Час. пояс МСК 0
05:00 Playlist Up: Feel Like
06:00 Weekly news highlights
06:30 Diplomat Talks
07:00 After School Club
08:00 Home Explorers
08:30 The Globalists
09:00 Radio' Clock
10:00 Simply K-Pop
11:00 Premium Collection
11:30 Premium Collection
12:00 Weekly news highlights
12:30 The Globalists
13:00 SmartBiz Accelerators
13:30 I'm Live
14:00 After School Club
15:00 Premium Collection
15:30 Premium Collection
16:00 Simply K-Pop
17:00 Home Explorers
17:30 Weekly news highlights
18:00 Islands To Love
18:30 Islands To Love
19:00 SmartBiz Accelerators
19:30 Bravo K-Scientist
20:00 Islands To Love
20:30 Islands To Love
21:00 LIVE! Rewind It: Im Live
21:30 Premium Collection
22:00 The grand heritage ASMR
22:30 Home Explorers
23:00 Bravo K-Scientist
23:30 SmartBiz Accelerators
00:00 The Roundtable
00:30 Weekly news highlights
01:00 Premium Collection
01:30 Premium Collection
02:00 I'm Live
02:30 Diplomat Talks
03:00 Premium Collection
03:30 Premium Collection
04:00 Gugak: The Music of Korea
Час. пояс МСК -3
05:00 Across the Strait
05:30 х/ф TV Drama
06:15 х/ф TV Drama
07:00 Nostalgia
07:30 China Showbiz
08:00 China News
08:30 х/ф TV Drama
09:15 х/ф TV Drama
10:00 Talk With Lujian
10:30 Across the Strait
11:00 China News
11:30 Asia Today
12:00 On the Way
12:45 Nostalgia
13:00 China News
13:30 Focus Today
14:00 х/ф TV Drama
14:45 х/ф TV Drama
15:30 Music Fair
16:15 м/ф Cartoon City
17:00 A Way to be a Super Star
18:17 Nostalgia
18:30 Across the Strait
19:00 Network News
19:30 International Depth
20:00 China News
20:30 Focus Today
21:00 China Showbiz
22:00 Memory of China
22:30 Dreamchaser
22:50 Nostalgia
23:00 Across the Strait
23:30 Bond with China
00:00 Global News
01:00 Universal Show
02:00 China News
02:15 х/ф TV Drama
03:00 х/ф TV Drama
03:45 Nostalgia
04:00 China News
Час. пояс МСК 0
05:00 The World Today
05:30 World Insight with Tian Wei
06:00 The World Today
06:15 Sports Scene
06:30 Travelogue
07:00 Global Watch
08:00 Big Story
09:00 The World Today
09:30 The Heat
10:00 The World Today
10:30 Sports Scene
11:00 The World Today
11:30 Biz Talk
12:00 The World Today
12:30 Inheritors
13:00 The World Today
13:15 Africa Live
14:00 Asia Today
14:30 Leaders Talk
15:00 The World Today
15:15 China 24
16:00 The World Today
16:30 Biz Talk
17:00 The World Today
17:30 Assignment Asia
18:00 The World Today
18:30 Inheritors
19:00 The World Today
19:30 The Agenda
20:00 Africa Live
20:30 Talk Africa
21:00 Sports Scene
21:30 Biz Talk
22:00 The World Today
22:30 Travelogue
23:00 The World Today
23:30 The Agenda
00:00 The World Today
00:30 Leaders Talk
01:00 Full Frame
02:00 The World Today
02:30 Assignment Asia
03:00 The World Today
03:30 The Agenda
04:00 Big Story
France 24 Arabian
Час. пояс МСК 0
05:00 Le journal
05:10 Une semaine dans le monde
06:00 Le journal
06:10 Paris secret
06:22 Mode
06:30 Bulletin
06:40 Billet retour
07:00 Le journal
07:16 La semaine de l'eco
08:00 Le journal
08:15 La sante d'abord
08:30 Bulletin
08:45 Culture
09:00 Le journal
09:15 Dans les hebdos
09:21 Focus
09:30 Bulletin
09:45 Element terre
10:00 Le journal
10:15 Mag correspondants
10:30 Bulletin
10:45 Actuelles
11:00 Le journal
11:15 Debat Maghrebin
12:00 Le journal
12:15 Observateurs
12:21 Sport
12:30 Bulletin
12:45 Culture
13:00 Le journal
13:15 La semaine de l'eco
14:00 Le journal
14:15 Paris secret
14:30 Bulletin
14:45 Sport
14:51 Observateurs
15:00 Le journal
15:15 Invite de l'eco
15:30 Bulletin
15:45 Vous etes ici
15:51 Mode
16:00 Le journal
16:10 Billet retour
16:30 Bulletin
16:40 Element terre
16:51 Dans les hebdos
17:00 Le journal
17:15 Culture
17:30 Bulletin
17:45 Mag correspondants
18:00 Le journal
18:15 Dans la sphere des tabous
19:00 Le journal
19:15 Paris secret
19:30 Bulletin
19:45 Actuelles
20:00 Le journal
20:15 Daif wa massira
21:00 Le journal
21:10 Reporters
21:30 Bulletin
21:40 Axes
22:00 Le journal
22:10 Observateurs
22:16 Journal sport
22:30 Bulletin
22:40 Mag correspondants
22:52 Mode
23:00 Le journal
23:15 Entretien
23:30 Bulletin
23:45 Culture
00:00 Le journal
00:10 Axes
00:30 Bulletin
00:40 Actuelles
00:52 Vous etes ici
01:00 Le journal
01:10 Le journal de la CAN
01:30 Bulletin
01:40 Reporters
02:00 Le journal
02:15 La semaine de l'eco
03:00 Le journal
03:15 Actuelles
03:30 Bulletin
03:45 Entretien
04:00 Le journal
04:10 Le journal de la CAN
04:30 Bulletin
04:40 Paris secret
04:52 Focus
KBS World
Час. пояс МСК 0
05:20 т/с Live Your Own Life. Episode 32
06:40 Golden Girls. Episode 5
08:00 GET. Episode 5
08:10 т/с Manhole. Episode 15
09:25 т/с My Lawyer, Mr. Joe. Episode 6
10:40 KBS World News Today. Episode 628
11:00 Music Bank. K-Chart
11:10 Music Bank. Episode 1193
12:35 Immortal Songs
12:40 т/с Dream High. Episode 1
13:50 т/с Dream High. Episode 1
15:00 т/с Unpredictable Family. Episode 86
15:35 т/с The Elegant Empire. Episode 105
16:15 т/с Manhole. Episode 16
17:35 The Seasons. Episode 4
19:05 The Return of Superman. Episode 510
20:20 LIVE! Dogs Are Incredible. Episode 204
21:30 Music Bank. K-Chart
21:35 т/с Unpredictable Family. Episode 86
22:10 т/с The Elegant Empire. Episode 105
22:50 т/с Manhole. Episode 16
00:00 The Seasons. Episode 4
01:30 т/с Woman in a Veil. Episode 38
02:10 т/с 2023 Drama Special. Episode 3
03:25 т/с Unpredictable Family. Episode 86
04:00 т/с The Elegant Empire. Episode 105
04:40 т/с Woman in a Veil. Episode 38
NHK World
Час. пояс МСК 0
05:00 NHK Newsline
05:10 Anime Supernova. Episode 67
05:25 Darwin's Amazing Animals
05:50 Trails to Oishii Tokyo
06:00 NHK Newsline
06:10 NHK World-Japan Special program
06:40 Five Frames for Love
06:55 Danko & Danta. School Bag
07:00 NHK Newsline
07:10 Time and Tide
08:00 NHK Newsline
08:10 Japan's Top Inventions
08:40 NHK World Selection
08:55 PythagoraSwitch. Nendore Nandore Mr. Clay!
09:00 NHK Newsline
09:10 NHK World Showcase
10:00 NHK Newsline
10:10 NHK World Prime
11:00 NHK Newsline
11:10 Japan's Top Inventions
11:40 NHK World Selection
11:55 PythagoraSwitch. Nendore Nandore Mr. Clay!
12:00 NHK Newsline
12:10 Anime Supernova. Episode 67
12:25 Darwin's Amazing Animals
12:50 Trails to Oishii Tokyo
13:00 NHK Newsline
13:10 NHK World-Japan Special program
13:40 Five Frames for Love
13:55 Danko & Danta. School Bag
14:00 NHK Newsline
14:10 Time and Tide
15:00 NHK Newsline
15:10 NHK World Showcase
16:00 NHK Newsline
16:10 NHK World Prime
17:00 NHK Newsline
17:10 Rising
17:40 Five Frames for Love
17:55 Japanology Plus
18:00 NHK Newsline
18:10 NHK Documentary
19:00 NHK Newsline
19:10 Time and Tide
20:00 NHK Newsline
20:10 Anime Supernova. Episode 67
20:25 Darwin's Amazing Animals
20:50 Trails to Oishii Tokyo
21:00 NHK Newsline
21:10 NHK World Showcase
22:00 NHK Newsline
22:10 NHK World Prime
23:00 NHK Newsline
23:10 Rising
23:40 Five Frames for Love
23:55 Danko & Danta. School Bag
00:00 NHK Newsline
00:10 Anime Supernova. Episode 67
00:25 Darwin's Amazing Animals
00:50 Trails to Oishii Tokyo
01:00 NHK Newsline
01:10 NHK Documentary
02:00 NHK Newsline
02:10 Time and Tide
03:00 NHK Newsline
03:10 Kurara Hokusai's Daughter
03:52 Easy Japanese. Please don't put wasabi in
03:55 Origami Magic. Episode 3
04:00 NHK Newsline
04:10 Travel Selection
04:35 Framing Everyday Moments
04:40 Core Kyoto mini. Episode 31
04:45 Wild Hokkaido! Episode 61
Первый канал СНГ
Час. пояс МСК 3
05:10 Подкаст. Лаб. Психика
06:00 Телеканал Доброе утро. Суббота
09:05 Умницы и умники
09:45 Слово пастыря
10:00 Новости
10:15 Наше всё
10:55 ПроУют
12:00 Новости
12:05 Поехали!
12:50 м/ф Царство против разбойников
14:00 х/ф Виват, гардемарины! К 100-летию киностудии Мосфильм
16:15 х/ф Гардемарины 3
18:00 Вечерние новости
18:20 Я люблю мою страну
19:20 Эксклюзив с Дмитрием Борисовым
20:05 Кто хочет стать миллионером?
21:00 Время
21:35 Сегодня вечером
22:45 Закрытый показ с Александром Гордоном. х/ф Подельники
01:40 Подкаст. Лаб. Триггеры
02:15 Подкаст. Лаб. Кот Шрёдингера
02:55 Подкаст. Лаб. Креативные индустрии
03:30 х/ф Ехали два шофёра
04:45 Подкаст. Лаб. Легкие деньги
РТР-Планета Азия
Час. пояс МСК 3
05:46 Окончание эфира
06:00 Утро России. Суббота
09:00 Вести. Местное время
09:15 Местное время. Суббота
09:30 Пятеро на одного
10:15 Сто к одному
11:00 Вести
11:50 В кругу друзей
12:50 Доктор Мясников
14:00 Вести
14:50 Веселья час
17:00 Вести
17:50 Привет, Андрей!
20:00 Вести
21:00 х/ф Чужой ребенок
00:30 х/ф Слишком красивая жена
02:55 т/с Мастер и Маргарита
04:45 По секрету всему свету