Телепрограмма на каждый день с 1975 года
30-10-2023, пн
Каналы [11]: Ajara TV, Al Jazeera International, Arirang, CCTV4, CGTN, France 24 Arabian, JSTV TV, KBS World, NHK World, Первый канал СНГ, РТР-Планета Азия
Регион: Евразия
Источник: EPG IPTV
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Ajara TV

Час. пояс МСК 1

05:00 х/ф ქართული მხატვრული ფილმი
07:10 დოკუმენტური ფილმი
08:00 м/с ანიმაცია
08:30 დილის ტალღა
10:30 დოკუმენტური ფილმი
11:25 ერთი დღე სოფელში
12:00 მთავარი
12:20 ტელე-პორტალი
13:00 х/ф დიდი შესვენება
14:30 დოკუმენტური ფილმი
15:00 მთავარი
15:30 х/ф ქართული მხატვრული ფილმი
17:10 დოკუმენტური ფილმი
18:00 მთავარი
18:20 სპორტკლუბი
19:00 პროექტი
19:30 სახალხო კონტროლი
20:00 მთავარი
21:00 თავისუფალი სივრცე
22:00 т/с ბიურო
23:00 х/ф შარლოტა გრეი
00:50 х/ф არქივი
01:40 х/ф დიდი შესვენება
03:10 დოკუმენტური ფილმი
03:30 т/с ბიურო
04:30 х/ф შარლოტა გრეი

Al Jazeera International

Час. пояс МСК 0

05:00 News Live
05:30 Talk to Al Jazeera: Navi Pillay
06:00 News Live
06:30 Inside Story
07:00 News Live
07:30 The Listening Post
08:00 News Live
08:30 People & Power: The Launderer. Part 2
09:00 News Live
09:30 Inside Story
10:00 News Live
10:30 Inside Story
11:00 Newshour
12:00 News Live
12:30 UpFront
13:00 News Live
13:30 The Forbidden Reel: The Birth of Afghan Cinema
14:00 Newshour
15:00 News Live
15:30 Inside Story
16:00 News Live
16:30 Counting the Cost
17:00 Newshour
18:00 News Live
18:30 Talk to Al Jazeera: Mohammad Shtayyeh
19:00 Newshour
20:00 Newshour
21:00 News Live
21:30 Inside Story
22:00 Newshour
23:00 Newshour
00:00 News Live
00:30 Inside Story
01:00 Newshour
02:00 Newshour
03:00 News Live
03:30 Witness: Serigne vs The EU
04:00 News Live
04:30 Inside Story


Час. пояс МСК 0

05:00 Playlist Up: Feel Like
06:00 Arirang news
06:30 News generation
07:00 Gugak: The Music of Korea
08:00 The Daily Report
08:30 Issues & Insiders
09:00 Radio’ Clock
10:00 News generation
10:30 1Day 1Korea. K-Now
10:40 Korea Travelogue. Episode 3
11:00 Diplomat Talks
11:30 Premium Collection
12:00 Newscenter
12:30 Within The Frame
13:00 Gugak: The Music of Korea
14:00 Islands To Love
14:30 1Day 1Korea. K-Now
14:40 The grand heritage ASMR
15:00 Arirang news
15:30 Issues & Insiders
16:00 Diplomat Talks
16:30 Premium Collection
17:00 Playlist Up: Feel Like
18:00 Within The Frame
18:30 1Day 1Korea. K-Now
18:40 Korea Travelogue. Episode 3
19:00 Gugak: The Music of Korea
20:00 Radio’ Clock
21:00 Arirang Special
22:30 The grand heritage ASMR
22:50 1Day 1Korea. K-Now
23:00 Diplomat Talks
23:30 Islands To Love
00:00 Gugak: The Music of Korea
01:00 Premium Collection
01:30 1Day 1Korea. K-People
01:40 Korea Travelogue. Episode 3
02:00 Islands To Love
02:30 Diplomat Talks
03:00 New Day at arirang
03:30 News generation
04:00 The grand heritage ASMR
04:20 1Day 1Korea. K-People
04:30 Premium Collection


Час. пояс МСК -3

05:00 Bond with China
05:30 х/ф TV Drama
06:15 х/ф TV Drama
07:00 China’s Public Opinion Field
08:00 China News
08:30 х/ф TV Drama
09:15 х/ф TV Drama
10:00 China News
10:30 Across the Strait
11:00 China News
11:30 Asia Today
12:00 Voice
12:45 Dreamchaser
13:00 China News
13:30 Focus Today
14:00 х/ф TV Drama
14:45 х/ф TV Drama
15:30 China Showbiz
16:00 Music Fair
16:45 м/ф Cartoon City
17:30 National Treasures found
18:00 Nostalgia
18:30 Across the Strait
19:00 Network News
19:30 China Showbiz
20:00 China News
20:30 Focus Today
21:00 On the Way
21:50 Discoveries
22:30 Nostalgia
23:00 Across the Strait
23:30 National Treasures found
00:00 Global News
01:05 Nostalgia
01:15 On the Way
02:00 China News
02:15 х/ф TV Drama
03:00 х/ф TV Drama
03:45 Nostalgia
04:00 China News


Час. пояс МСК 0

05:00 The World Today
05:30 Travelogue
06:00 The World Today
06:15 Sports Scene
06:30 The Point with Liu Xin
07:00 Global Watch
08:00 The World Today
08:15 Sports Scene
08:30 Rediscovering China
09:00 The World Today
09:30 Razor
10:00 The World Today
10:30 Sports Scene
11:00 The World Today
11:15 Global Business
12:00 The World Today
12:30 The Vibe
13:00 The World Today
13:15 Africa Live
14:00 Asia Today
14:30 Dialogue
15:00 The World Today
15:15 China 24
16:00 Global Business
16:30 The Point with Liu Xin
17:00 The World Today
17:30 World Insight with Tian Wei
18:00 The World Today
18:30 The Vibe
19:00 Global Business
20:00 Africa Live
21:00 Global Business
22:00 The World Today
22:30 World Insight with Tian Wei
23:00 The World Today
23:30 Dialogue
00:00 Global Business
00:30 The Point with Liu Xin
01:00 The World Today
01:30 Rediscovering China
02:00 The Heat
02:30 The World Today
03:00 Global Business
04:00 The World Today
04:30 China 24

France 24 Arabian

Час. пояс МСК 0

05:00 Le journal
05:15 Air d’Egypte
06:00 Le journal
06:10 Billet retour
06:30 Bulletin
06:40 Axes
07:00 Le journal
07:15 Bourse
07:16 La semaine de l’eco
08:00 Le journal
08:15 Bourse
08:16 Bab el web
08:22 Focus
08:30 Bulletin
08:45 Actuelles
09:00 Le journal
09:20 Bourse
09:21 Focus
09:30 Bulletin
09:50 Bab el web
10:00 Le journal
10:15 Bourse
10:16 Revue de presse
10:23 Focus
10:30 Bulletin
10:45 Mag correspondants
11:00 Le journal
11:15 Bourse
11:16 Le monde en images
11:22 Sport
11:30 Bulletin
11:45 Observateurs
11:51 Bab el web
12:00 Le journal
12:15 Revue de presse
12:22 Sport
12:30 Bulletin
12:45 Invite de l’eco
13:00 Le journal
13:15 Air d’Egypte
14:00 Le journal
14:15 Culture
14:30 Bulletin
14:45 Vous etes ici
14:51 Mode
15:00 Le journal
15:15 Titres
15:16 Chronique internationale
15:22 Focus
15:30 Le journal
15:45 Titres
15:46 Chronique eco
15:52 Chronique tech
16:00 Le journal
16:15 Titres
16:16 Invite du jour
16:23 Chronique sport
16:30 Le journal
16:45 Titres
16:46 Hashtag
16:53 Le monde en images
17:00 Le journal
17:15 Entretien
17:30 Bulletin
17:45 Element terre
18:00 Le journal
18:10 Culture
18:21 Le monde en images
18:30 Bulletin
18:40 Billet retour
19:00 Le journal
19:15 Sport 24
20:00 Le journal
20:15 Titres
20:16 Fait du jour
20:30 Le journal
20:45 Titres
20:46 Chronique eco
20:51 Chronique sport
21:00 Le journal
21:10 Le debat
22:00 Le journal
22:22 Titres
22:23 Chronique internationale
22:29 Fin de JT
22:30 Le journal
22:40 Chronique eco
22:45 Chronique sport
22:49 Focus
22:54 Le monde en images
23:00 Le journal
23:20 Face a face
23:43 Focus
23:46 Chronique eco
23:50 Chronique sport
23:53 Le monde en images
00:00 Le journal
00:20 Titres
00:21 Chronique eco
00:30 Le journal
00:45 Titres
00:46 Mag correspondants
01:00 Le journal
01:15 Titres
01:16 Chronique internationale
01:22 Chronique sport
01:30 Le journal
01:45 Focus
01:51 Le monde en images
02:00 Le journal
02:10 Le debat
03:00 Le journal
03:15 Culture
03:30 Flash
03:33 Face a face
03:56 Focus
04:00 Le journal
04:15 Chronique sport
04:22 Focus
04:30 Bulletin
04:45 Culture


Час. пояс МСК 0

06:00 т/с Drama
06:15 Asaichi
07:55 Exercise for Everyone
08:00 News & Weather
08:05 NHK Special
08:55 Mini Program
09:05 т/с Ooku: The Inner Chambers. Episode 14
09:50 Songs for Everyone
09:56 World Weather
10:00 News
10:20 Delicious Japan!
10:43 Mini Program
10:45 т/с Drama
11:00 News
11:05 News Around Japan
11:55 World Music Album
12:00 My Gardening for Beginners
12:25 Kyoto’s Hidamariya Garden Shop
12:30 Tanka Poetry
12:55 Mini Program
13:00 News & Weather
13:10 Basic English Opens Door to the World
13:25 Natural Grandeur of the East
13:40 Points at Issue
13:50 The Fountain of Ancient Wisdom
14:35 Exploring Factories
15:00 Mimicries - Natural Science for Kids
15:10 Fun with Japanese
15:20 Peek-a-boo
15:35 With Mother
15:59 м/с 1-Minute Anime: Songs for SDGs
16:00 News
16:10 Kid’s Discovery
16:25 LIVE! NHK Academia
16:56 World Weather
17:00 NHK News-7
17:30 Today’s Close-up
17:57 Tsurube’s Salute to Families
18:42 Mini Program
18:45 News
19:00 News Watch-9
20:00 Which Travel Plan Do You Prefer?
20:38 Mini Program
20:40 Fish Masters
20:45 Night Drama Serial
21:00 How We Met: Beginning of Our Relationship
21:30 News & Weather
21:35 International News. Report 2023
22:15 News Commentary
22:25 Documentary
22:45 Neighbor’s Nurturing Session
23:15 Gretel’s Magical Oven
23:40 Japanese Narrative Art
00:10 News & Weather
00:15 Mini Program
00:20 т/с Mampuku. Episode 25
00:35 Trails to Oishii Tokyo
01:03 Health for Today
01:18 World Music Album
01:23 Today’s Close-up
01:50 Tsurube’s Salute to Families
02:35 TV Exercise
02:45 Points at Issue
02:56 World Weather
03:00 With Mother
03:24 Kid’s Discovery
03:39 Mimicries - Natural Science for Kids
03:49 Go! Go! Cook R’n
03:59 World Weather
04:00 Good Morning, Japan

KBS World

Час. пояс МСК 0

05:20 LIVE! т/с Live Your Own Life. Episode 6
06:40 Music Bank. K-Chart
06:45 Music Bank
08:10 Annyeong Korean!
08:25 т/с Jang Youngsil: The Greatest Scientist of Joseon
09:25 т/с Jang Youngsil: The Greatest Scientist of Joseon
10:20 Stars’ Top Recipe at Fun-Staurant
11:50 Two Days and One Night. Season 4
13:30 The Return of Superman. Episode 498
14:45 The Seasons. Episode 25
15:00 LIVE! т/с Live Your Own Life. Episode 7
16:20 т/с Perfume
17:00 т/с Perfume
17:40 т/с Perfume
18:20 т/с Perfume
19:00 Music Bank. K-Chart
19:10 Immortal Songs
20:55 Two Days and One Night. Season 4
22:30 The Return of Superman. Episode 498
23:45 The Seasons. Episode 25
00:00 LIVE! т/с Live Your Own Life. Episode 7
01:15 Beat Coin. Episode 54
02:30 т/с It’s Beautiful Now. Episode 13
03:50 т/с It’s Beautiful Now. Episode 14

NHK World

Час. пояс МСК 0

05:00 NHK Newsline
05:15 Newsline in Depth
05:30 Seasoning the Seasons. A Sushi Tour Around Japan
06:00 NHK Newsline
06:15 Newsline in Depth
06:30 Songs of Tokyo
07:00 NHK Newsline
07:15 Newsline in Depth
07:30 NHK World Selection
08:00 NHK Newsline
08:15 LIVE! Direct Talk
08:30 Where We Call Home
09:00 Newsline Asia 24
09:30 Culture Crossroads
09:40 Learn Japanese from the News
09:50 Easy Japanese. I want to see the snow
09:55 Dining with the Chef
10:00 Newsline Asia 24
10:30 Seasoning the Seasons. A Sushi Tour Around Japan
11:00 NHK Newsline
11:15 Newsline Biz
11:23 Japan from above. Episode 20
11:30 NHK World Selection
12:00 NHK Newsline
12:15 Direct Talk. Episode 836
12:30 Songs of Tokyo
13:00 NHK Newsline
13:18 Newsline Biz
13:30 Where We Call Home
14:00 Newsroom Tokyo
14:40 LIVE! Direct Talk
14:55 Ukiyoe Edo-life. Mt. Fuji’s Faces
15:00 NHK Newsline
15:18 Newsline Biz
15:30 Culture Crossroads
15:40 Learn Japanese from the News
15:50 Easy Japanese. I want to see the snow
15:55 Dining with the Chef
16:00 NHK Newsline
16:18 Newsline Biz
16:30 Seasoning the Seasons. A Sushi Tour Around Japan
17:00 NHK Newsline
17:15 Newsline in Depth
17:30 Medical Frontiers
18:00 NHK Newsline
18:15 Newsline in Depth
18:30 Where We Call Home
19:00 NHK Newsline
19:15 LIVE! Direct Talk
19:30 Cycle Around Japan
20:00 NHK Newsline
20:15 Newsline in Depth
20:30 Culture Crossroads
20:40 Learn Japanese from the News
20:50 Easy Japanese. I want to see the snow
20:55 Dining with the Chef
21:00 Newsroom Tokyo
21:40 Direct Talk. Episode 836
21:55 Ukiyoe Edo-life. Mt. Fuji’s Faces
22:00 NHK Documentary
22:50 Fukushima Time-Lapse 5 min
22:55 Japan from above. Episode 20
23:00 NHK Newsline
23:18 Newsline Biz
23:30 Medical Frontiers
00:00 NHK Newsline
00:18 Newsline Biz
00:30 Where We Call Home
01:00 NHK Newsline
01:18 Newsline Biz
01:30 Culture Crossroads
01:40 Learn Japanese from the News
01:50 Easy Japanese. I want to see the snow
01:55 Dining with the Chef
02:00 NHK Newsline
02:15 Ukiyoe Edo-life. Mt. Fuji’s Faces
02:20 Fukushima Time-Lapse 5 min
02:25 Japan from above. Episode 20
02:30 Cycle Around Japan
03:00 NHK Newsline
03:15 Newsline in Depth
03:30 Journeys in Japan
04:00 NHK Newsline
04:15 LIVE! Direct Talk
04:30 Dining with the Chef

Первый канал СНГ

Час. пояс МСК 3

09:00 Новости
09:10 АнтиФейк
09:45 Жить здорово!
10:25 Подкаст. Лаб
12:00 Новости
12:20 Подкаст. Лаб
13:50 Информационный канал
15:00 Новости
15:15 Информационный канал
16:25 Давай поженимся!
17:10 Мужское / Женское
18:00 Новости
18:20 Информационный канал
19:55 Куклы наследника Тутти
21:00 Время
21:45 т/с Бизон: дело манекенщицы, 13 с.
22:35 Большая игра
23:25 Подкаст. Лаб. Произвольная программа
00:05 Подкаст. Лаб. Мелодии моей жизни
00:40 Подкаст. Лаб. Антропология
01:15 т/с Спросите медсестру, 1 и 2 с.
03:00 Новости
03:05 Подкаст. Лаб. Россия и Запад на качелях истории
04:05 т/с Бизон: дело манекенщицы, 13 с.

РТР-Планета Азия

Час. пояс МСК 3

06:00 Утро России
09:55 О самом главном
11:00 Вести
11:30 60 минут
14:00 Вести
14:30 Вести. Местное время
14:55 Наши
16:00 Вести
16:30 Малахов
17:30 60 минут
20:00 Вести
21:05 Вести. Местное время
21:20 т/с Зеркало лжи
23:20 «Вечер» с Владимиром Соловьевым
02:00 Местное время. Вести-Санкт-Петербург
02:15 Билет в Большой
02:55 Новости культуры
03:10 т/с Тайны следствия
04:56 Окончание эфира
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