Телепрограмма на каждый день с 1975 года
14-09-2019, сб
Каналы [74]: 1 Music Channel Hungary, 7NEWS, Animaux, BBC Earth, BBC Entertainment, BeIN Sport 1 FR, BeIN Sport 2 FR, BeIN Sport 3 FR, Bloomberg, BT Sport 1 HD, BT Sport 2 HD, BT Sport 3 HD, BT Sport ESPN HD, C More Fotboll HD, C More Golf HD, C More Hockey HD, Deutsche Welle Europe, Disney Junior, Disney XD, DJAZZ.tv, English Club TV, Euronews ENG, Eurosport 2 NE, Fashion TV Europe, Festival 4K, Fight Sports, France 24 English, France 24 Francais, FTV HD, Fuel TV HD, Gametoon, History-Viasat EN, ID Fashion, Luxe HD, Luxe TV, Muzsika TV, National TV, NBA TV, Premier Sports 1, Premier Sports 2, Sky Atlantic HD, Sky Cinema Action HD, Sky Cinema Comedy HD, Sky Cinema Emotion HD, Sky Cinema Family HD, Sky Cinema HD, Sky Cinema Nostalgie HD, Sky Sport 1 HD, Sky Sport 2 HD, Sky Sport News HD, Sky Sports Action HD, Sky Sports Arena HD, Sky Sports F1 HD, Sky Sports Football HD, Sky Sports Main Event HD, Sky Sports Mix HD, Sky Sports Premier League HD, Sony Entertainment, Sony Turbo Baltic, Super-Tennis, TV3 Sport HD, TVR1, TVR2, TVRi, Viasat Fotboll HD, Viasat Golf HD, Viasat Hockey HD, Viasat Motor HD, Viasat Sport HD Premium, Viasat Ultra HD, Первый канал Европа, РТР-Планета Европа, СТС Балтия, ТНТ-International (Европа)
Регион: Европа
Источник: EPG IPTV
[ - ]
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1 Music Channel Hungary
Час. пояс МСК -1

06:00 News
06:02 Happy Coffee
06:30 News
06:32 Happy Coffee
07:00 News
07:02 Happy Coffee
07:30 News
07:32 Happy Coffee
08:00 News
08:02 Happy Coffee
08:30 News
08:32 Happy Coffee
09:00 News
09:02 Weekender
10:00 News
10:02 Online Chart
11:00 News
11:02 Weekender
12:00 News
12:02 Happy Hour
13:00 News
13:02 1 like FRESH
14:00 Music Channel Top 21
15:00 News
15:02 Music ON
16:00 News
16:02 Music ON
17:00 News
17:02 Magyar óra
18:00 News
18:02 1 like FRESH
19:00 News
19:02 Party Starter
20:00 News
20:02 Dance Chart
21:00 News
21:02 Party Starter
22:00 News
22:02 Deep & Shine Mix by Goldhand
23:00 Hot Night
00:00 Nighty Night
03:00 1 like HIPHOP
04:00 Nighty Night



Час. пояс МСК -1

05:12 ID Collection (LA METAMORPHOSE FW 19 20) (12+)
05:21 ID Collection (ALEEM YUSUF FW 19 20) (12+)
05:25 ID Collection (Dominnico SS20) (12+)
05:42 ID Collection (Tygers Eye FW19 20) (12+)
05:46 ID Collection (ELLI SHOES FW 19 20) (12+)
05:51 ID Collection (PILAR DALBAT SIN MUSICA FW19 20) (12+)
05:54 ID Collection (Melania freire fw 19 20) (12+)
06:04 ID Collection (Mazelle Studio FW19 20) (12+)
06:09 ID Collection (Ler Ligisa FW19 20) (12+)
06:12 ID Collection (Ayano FW19 20) (12+)
06:16 ID Journal (Vfw day 2) (12+)
06:20 ID Collection (Agnala FW 19 20) (12+)
06:23 ID Collection (Omar Afridi FW19 20) (12+)
06:29 ID Collection (Maryling FW19 20) (12+)
06:48 ID Collection (Gilberto Calzolari FW19 20) (12+)
06:54 ID Collection (Cividini FW19 20) (12+)
07:04 ID Collection (Oteyza fw 19 20) (12+)
07:07 ID Journal (Vfw day 1) (12+)
07:11 ID Collection (Moises nieto fw 19 20) (12+)
07:14 ID Collection (Cherry roberto verino 19 20) (12+)
07:31 ID Collection (BAROQCO SS19) (12+)
07:33 ID Collection (Roberto torreta fw 19 20) (12+)
07:49 ID Journal (Fashion night Astana) (12+)
07:53 ID Collection (Roberto diz fw 19 20) (12+)
08:14 ID Collection (Coconutscankill SS20) (12+)
08:26 ID Collection (Devota Y Lomba SS20) (12+)
08:37 ID Collection (Hannibal Laguna SS20) (12+)
08:58 ID Collection (Rebeligion fw 19 20) (12+)
09:09 ID Collection (Ziad Nakad FW 19 20) (12+)
09:24 ID Collection (Oteyza fw 19 20) (12+)
09:27 ID Party (Vintage) (12+)
09:31 ID Collection (Moises nieto fw 19 20) (12+)
09:34 ID Collection (Shoop SS19) (12+)
09:36 ID Collection (Cherry roberto verino 19 20) (12+)
09:53 ID Collection (BAROQCO SS19) (12+)
09:55 ID Collection (Roberto torreta fw 19 20) (12+)
10:10 ID Party (BMW Final) (12+)
10:13 ID Collection (Roberto diz fw 19 20) (12+)
10:34 ID Collection (Gudu SS19) (12+)
10:44 ID Collection (Rebeligion fw 19 20) (12+)
10:55 ID Collection (Wolf Totem SS19) (12+)
11:07 ID Collection (Ziad Nakad FW 19 20) (12+)
11:23 ID Collection (Pedro del hierro fw 19 20) (12+)
11:25 ID Collection (CARLO PIGNATELLI BC 20) (12+)
11:28 ID Collection (Angel Schlesser SS19) (12+)
11:48 ID Collection (Dominnico SS20) (12+)
12:05 ID Collection (Duyos SS20) (12+)
12:17 ID Collection (PATRICK PHAM FW 19 20) (12+)
12:24 ID Collection (Teresa helbig fw 19 20) (12+)
12:35 ID Collection (STEVEN KHALIL FW 19 20) (12+)
12:43 ID Collection (Lior FW19 20) (12+)
12:48 ID Collection (MADLEINE FW 19 20) (12+)
12:52 ID Collection (Aniyeby SS19) (12+)
13:00 ID Collection (Marcos luengo fw 19 20) (12+)
13:13 ID Collection (LA METAMORPHOSE FW 19 20) (12+)
13:23 ID Collection (ALEEM YUSUF FW 19 20) (12+)
13:27 ID Collection (Tygers Eye FW19 20) (12+)
13:31 ID Collection (ELLI SHOES FW 19 20) (12+)
13:36 ID Collection (Agatha Ruiz De La Prada) (12+)
13:53 ID Collection (PILAR DALBAT SIN MUSICA FW19 20) (12+)
13:57 ID Collection (Melania freire fw 19 20) (12+)
14:06 ID Collection (Mazelle Studio FW19 20) (12+)
14:12 ID Collection (Ler Ligisa FW19 20) (12+)
14:15 ID Collection (Ayano FW19 20) (12+)
14:23 ID Collection (Agnala FW 19 20) (12+)
14:26 ID Collection (Omar Afridi FW19 20) (12+)
14:28 ID Collection (Devota Y Lomba SS20) (12+)
14:39 ID Collection (Hannibal Laguna SS20) (12+)
15:00 ID Collection (Maryling FW19 20) (12+)
15:13 ID Collection (Gilberto Calzolari FW19 20) (12+)
15:18 ID Collection (Cividini FW19 20) (12+)
15:34 ID Collection (Coconutscankill SS20) (12+)
15:47 ID Collection (Oteyza fw 19 20) (12+)
15:50 ID Collection (Moises nieto fw 19 20) (12+)
15:53 ID Journal (Fashion night Astana) (12+)
15:57 ID Collection (Cherry roberto verino 19 20) (12+)
16:14 ID Collection (BAROQCO SS19) (12+)
16:16 ID Collection (Roberto torreta fw 19 20) (12+)
16:31 ID Collection (Roberto diz fw 19 20) (12+)
16:52 ID Collection (Rebeligion fw 19 20) (12+)
17:03 ID Collection (Ziad Nakad FW 19 20) (12+)
17:19 ID Collection (Pedro del hierro fw 19 20) (12+)
17:22 ID Collection (CARLO PIGNATELLI BC 20) (12+)
17:25 ID Journal (Vfw day 1) (12+)
17:29 ID Collection (PATRICK PHAM FW 19 20) (12+)
17:36 ID Collection (Teresa helbig fw 19 20) (12+)
17:47 ID Journal (Vfw day 2) (12+)
17:51 ID Collection (STEVEN KHALIL FW 19 20) (12+)
17:59 ID Journal (Fashion night Astana) (12+)
18:03 ID Collection (MADLEINE FW 19 20) (12+)
18:07 ID Collection (Marcos luengo fw 19 20) (12+)
18:21 ID Collection (LA METAMORPHOSE FW 19 20) (12+)
18:30 ID Collection (Agatha Ruiz De La Prada) (12+)
18:48 ID Journal (Vfw day 1) (12+)
18:52 ID Collection (ALEEM YUSUF FW 19 20) (12+)
18:56 ID Collection (Tygers Eye FW19 20) (12+)
19:00 ID Collection (ELLI SHOES FW 19 20) (12+)
19:05 ID Collection (PILAR DALBAT SIN MUSICA FW19 20) (12+)
19:08 ID Collection (Melania freire fw 19 20) (12+)
19:18 ID Journal (Vfw day 1) (12+)
19:22 ID Collection (Mazelle Studio FW19 20) (12+)
19:28 ID Collection (Dominnico SS20) (12+)
19:44 ID Collection (Agatha Ruiz De La Prada) (12+)
20:00 ID Collection (Oteyza fw 19 20) (12+)
20:03 ID Collection (Moises nieto fw 19 20) (12+)
20:06 ID Collection (Shoop SS19) (12+)
20:08 ID Collection (Cherry roberto verino 19 20) (12+)
20:25 ID Collection (BAROQCO SS19) (12+)
20:27 ID Collection (Roberto torreta fw 19 20) (12+)
20:42 ID Party (BMW Final) (12+)
20:45 ID Collection (Roberto diz fw 19 20) (12+)
21:06 ID Collection (Gudu SS19) (12+)
21:16 ID Collection (Rebeligion fw 19 20) (12+)
21:27 ID Collection (Wolf Totem SS19) (12+)
21:39 ID Collection (Ziad Nakad FW 19 20) (12+)
21:54 ID Collection (Pedro del hierro fw 19 20) (12+)
21:57 ID Collection (CARLO PIGNATELLI BC 20) (12+)
22:00 ID Collection (Angel Schlesser SS19) (12+)
22:20 ID Collection (PATRICK PHAM FW 19 20) (12+)
22:27 ID Collection (Teresa helbig fw 19 20) (12+)
22:38 ID Collection (STEVEN KHALIL FW 19 20) (12+)
22:46 ID Collection (Lior FW19 20) (12+)
22:51 ID Collection (MADLEINE FW 19 20) (12+)
22:56 ID Collection (Aniyeby SS19) (12+)
23:03 ID Collection (Marcos luengo fw 19 20) (12+)
23:16 ID Collection (LA METAMORPHOSE FW 19 20) (12+)
23:26 ID Collection (ALEEM YUSUF FW 19 20) (12+)
23:30 ID Collection (Tygers Eye FW19 20) (12+)
23:34 ID Collection (ELLI SHOES FW 19 20) (12+)
23:39 ID Collection (PILAR DALBAT SIN MUSICA FW19 20) (12+)
23:42 ID Collection (Melania freire fw 19 20) (12+)
23:52 ID Collection (Mazelle Studio FW19 20) (12+)
23:57 ID Collection (Ler Ligisa FW19 20) (12+)
00:01 ID Collection (Ayano FW19 20) (12+)
00:04 ID Collection (Agnala FW 19 20) (12+)
00:07 ID Collection (Omar Afridi FW19 20) (12+)
00:10 ID Collection (Maryling FW19 20) (12+)
00:23 ID Collection (Gilberto Calzolari FW19 20) (12+)
00:28 ID Collection (Cividini FW19 20) (12+)
00:38 ID Collection (Oteyza fw 19 20) (12+)
00:41 ID Collection (Moises nieto fw 19 20) (12+)
00:44 ID Collection (Cherry roberto verino 19 20) (12+)
01:01 ID Collection (BAROQCO SS19) (12+)
01:03 ID Collection (Roberto torreta fw 19 20) (12+)
01:18 ID Collection (Roberto diz fw 19 20) (12+)
01:39 ID Collection (Rebeligion fw 19 20) (12+)
01:51 ID Collection (Ziad Nakad FW 19 20) (12+)
02:06 ID Collection (Pedro del hierro fw 19 20) (12+)
02:09 ID Collection (CARLO PIGNATELLI BC 20) (12+)
02:12 ID Collection (PATRICK PHAM FW 19 20) (12+)
02:19 ID Collection (Teresa helbig fw 19 20) (12+)
02:30 ID Collection (STEVEN KHALIL FW 19 20) (12+)
02:38 ID Collection (Lior FW19 20) (12+)
02:43 ID Collection (MADLEINE FW 19 20) (12+)
02:47 ID Collection (Marcos luengo fw 19 20) (12+)
03:01 ID Collection (LA METAMORPHOSE FW 19 20) (12+)
03:10 ID Collection (ALEEM YUSUF FW 19 20) (12+)
03:14 ID Collection (Tygers Eye FW19 20) (12+)
03:18 ID Collection (ELLI SHOES FW 19 20) (12+)
03:23 ID Collection (PILAR DALBAT SIN MUSICA FW19 20) (12+)
03:26 ID Collection (Melania freire fw 19 20) (12+)
03:36 ID Collection (Mazelle Studio FW19 20) (12+)
03:41 ID Collection (Ler Ligisa FW19 20) (12+)
03:45 ID Collection (Ayano FW19 20) (12+)
03:48 ID Collection (Agnala FW 19 20) (12+)
03:51 ID Collection (Omar Afridi FW19 20) (12+)
03:54 ID Collection (Maryling FW19 20) (12+)
04:07 ID Collection (Gilberto Calzolari FW19 20) (12+)
04:12 ID Collection (Cividini FW19 20) (12+)
04:22 ID Collection (Oteyza fw 19 20) (12+)
04:25 ID Collection (Moises nieto fw 19 20) (12+)
04:29 ID Collection (Cherry roberto verino 19 20) (12+)
04:45 ID Collection (BAROQCO SS19) (12+)
04:48 ID Collection (Roberto torreta fw 19 20) (12+)



Час. пояс МСК -1

05:00 Les 20 chefs D’oeuvre de la nature
05:30 Les 20 chefs D’oeuvre de la nature
06:00 Babouins : Presque Trop Humains
06:55 Священные животные
07:50 Ветеринар с Бонди Бич: 1 с
08:30 Ветеринар с Бонди Бич: 2 с
09:10 Ветеринар с Бонди Бич: 3 с
09:55 Ветеринар с Бонди Бич: 4 с
10:35 Ветеринар с Бонди Бич: 5 с
11:15 Dr. Lisa to the Rescue: 1 с
11:35 Dr. Lisa to the Rescue: 2 с
12:00 Dr. Lisa to the Rescue: 3 с
12:20 Dr. Lisa to the Rescue: 4 с
12:40 Bébés animaux du monde sauvage
13:05 Bébés animaux du monde sauvage
13:30 Bébés animaux du monde sauvage
13:55 Bébés animaux du monde sauvage
14:20 Bébés animaux du monde sauvage
14:45 Bébés animaux du monde sauvage
15:10 Bébés animaux du monde sauvage
15:35 Bébés animaux du monde sauvage
16:00 Bébés animaux du monde sauvage
16:30 Животные-звёзды
17:00 В шкуре животных
17:50 Johnny Kingdom et l’ours d’Alaska
18:40 Au secours des animaux
19:05 Au secours des animaux
19:35 Dog Tales Rescue
20:00 Dog Tales Rescue
20:25 Conte-moi la Zambie: 1 с
21:15 Plongée dans le grand bleu: Préservation des Maldives
22:05 Plongée dans le grand bleu: Le monde sous-marin du Costa Rica
22:55 В шкуре животных
23:45 Суперветеринар: 1 с
00:35 Священные животные
01:30 Brésil: Terre de Richesses
02:15 Les 20 chefs D’oeuvre de la nature
02:45 Rodéo : danse avec les chevaux
03:35 Ночные программы
04:00 Les 20 chefs D’oeuvre de la nature
04:30 Les 20 chefs D’oeuvre de la nature
04:55 Les 20 chefs D’oeuvre de la nature


BBC Earth

Час. пояс МСК -1

05:30 Deadly Dinosaurs - Land of Giants
06:00 Planet Earth II Diaries - Mountains
06:10 David Attenborough’s Natural Curiosities - Seeing the Pattern
06:35 World’s Wildest Weather - Series 2, Episode 2
07:20 World’s Wildest Weather - Series 2, Episode 3
08:05 World’s Wildest Weather - Series 2, Episode 4
08:50 World’s Wildest Weather - Series 2, Episode 5
09:40 Hurricane Man - Episode 4
10:25 Hurricane Man - Episode 5
11:10 Where the Wild Men Are with Ben Fogle - Guatemala
11:55 Life Below Zero - The Great Unknown
12:45 Life Below Zero - A Lesson Learned
13:30 Life Below Zero - Into the Storm
14:20 Life Below Zero - Trail of Wolves
15:05 Life Below Zero - Trial by Fire
15:55 Inside the Factory - Biscuits
17:35 David Attenborough’s Natural Curiosities - Finding the Way
18:00 Blue Planet II - Big Blue
19:00 Where the Wild Men Are with Ben Fogle - Guatemala
19:45 Hurricane Man - Episode 5
20:30 Blue Planet II - Big Blue
21:30 Inside the Factory - Biscuits
23:10 Where the Wild Men Are with Ben Fogle - Guatemala
23:55 Hurricane Man - Episode 5
00:40 Blue Planet II - Big Blue
01:40 Inside the Factory - Biscuits
03:20 Where the Wild Men Are with Ben Fogle - Guatemala
04:05 Hurricane Man - Episode 5
04:50 David Attenborough’s Natural Curiosities - Finding the Way


BBC Entertainment

Час. пояс МСК -1

05:05 Diy SOS: The Big Build (9-я серия) (12+)
06:00 Bargain Hunt (19-я серия) (12+)
06:45 Bargain Hunt (20-я серия) (12+)
07:30 Diy SOS: The Big Build (5-я серия) (12+)
08:20 Diy SOS: The Big Build (6-я серия) (12+)
09:15 Doctors (48-я серия) (12+)
09:45 Doctors (49-я серия) (12+)
10:15 Doctors (50-я серия) (12+)
10:45 Doctors (51-я серия) (12+)
11:15 Doctors (52-я серия) (12+)
11:45 Diy SOS: The Big Build (5-я серия) (12+)
12:40 Bargain Hunt (20-я серия) (12+)
13:25 Casualty (1-я серия) (12+)
14:15 EastEnders (5968-я серия) (12+)
14:45 EastEnders (5969-я серия) (12+)
15:15 EastEnders (5970-я серия) (12+)
15:45 EastEnders (5971-я серия) (12+)
16:15 Diy SOS: The Big Build (5-я серия) (12+)
17:10 Diy SOS: The Big Build (6-я серия) (12+)
18:00 Bargain Hunt (19-я серия) (12+)
18:45 Bargain Hunt (20-я серия) (12+)
19:30 Atlantis (8-я серия) (12+)
20:15 Atlantis (9-я серия) (12+)
21:00 Josh (1-я серия) (12+)
21:30 Friday Night Dinner (1-я серия) (12+)
21:55 Live from the BBC (4-я серия) (12+)
22:55 Uncle (3-я серия) (12+)
23:25 Uncle (4-я серия) (12+)
23:55 Josh (1-я серия) (12+)
00:25 Friday Night Dinner (1-я серия) (12+)
00:50 Live from the BBC (4-я серия) (12+)
01:50 Uncle (3-я серия) (12+)
02:20 Uncle (4-я серия) (12+)
02:50 Atlantis (9-я серия) (12+)
03:35 Josh (1-я серия) (12+)
04:05 Live from the BBC (4-я серия) (12+)


BeIN Sport 1 FR

Час. пояс МСК -1

22:50 Vendredi Ligue 1
00:00 Ligue 1 Conforama - Amiens / Lyon
02:00 Match amical - Brésil / Pérou
02:55 Championnat du monde WBO - Jaime Munguia / Patrick Allotey
04:00 NFL - Carolina Panthers / Tampa Bay Buccaneers


BeIN Sport 2 FR

Час. пояс МСК -1

06:00 Ça se passe sur beIN SPORTS
08:30 Match amical - Brésil / Pérou
10:30 MLB - New York Mets / Arizona Diamondbacks
12:30 Ça se passe sur beIN SPORTS
12:55 Liga - Real Madrid / Levante
14:55 Serie A - Fiorentina / Juventus Turin
17:00 Hard Knocks
18:00 Champions Arena
18:25 Bundesliga - Leipzig / Bayern Munich
20:30 Champions Arena
20:55 Liga - FC Barcelone / Valence
22:55 Champions Arena
23:00 Liga - Real Madrid / Levante
01:00 Ça se passe sur beIN SPORTS
01:35 MLS - Philadelphia Union / Los Angeles FC
03:35 Ça se passe sur beIN SPORTS


BeIN Sport 3 FR

Час. пояс МСК -1

22:30 Tournoi WTA de Zhengzhou 2019
23:00 Tournoi WTA de Zhengzhou 2019
00:30 Ça se passe sur beIN SPORTS
01:00 Ça se passe sur beIN SPORTS



Час. пояс МСК -1

05:00 Bloomberg Technology (12+)


BT Sport 1 HD

Час. пояс МСК -1

05:00 Ligue 1 Show, S2019E5
05:30 Bundesliga Weekly, S2019E5
06:00 Live WTA Tennis. Live WTA Tennis: Zhengzhou Open, S2019E16
13:00 Classic MOTD - Thrillers
13:30 Classic MOTD - Thrillers
13:45 US National Women Soccer League. Orlando Pride v Chicago Red Stars, S2019E5
14:45 BT Sport Films. Shoulder to Shoulder, S2013E47
16:15 Live: Premiership Rugby 7’s, S2019E3
21:15 MotoGP: ICYMI, S2019E13
21:30 No Filter Boxing, S2019E36
22:00 UFC. UFC 242: Khabib v Poirier, S2019E60
01:00 UFC Fight Flashback, S2015E13
01:30 UEFA Europa League Magazine, S2019E1
02:30 Live WTA Tennis. Live WTA Tennis: Japan Open, S2019E17


BT Sport 2 HD

Час. пояс МСК -1

05:00 Premier League Match Pack, S2019E5
05:30 MotoGP Films
06:45 Live MotoGP. Live MotoGP San Marino: FP1 & FP2, S2019E89
15:00 Premier League World, S2019E6
15:30 Premier League Match Pack, S2019E5
16:00 UEFA Champions League Magazine, S2019E2
16:30 UEFA Europa League Magazine, S2019E1
17:30 Live: MotoGP eSport, S2019E1
19:00 Premier League Preview, S2019E5
19:30 No Filter Boxing, S2019E36
20:00 Live MLB. Live MLB: Pirates @ Cubs, S2019E297
23:00 MLB’s Best, S2019E23
23:30 MLB: Caps Off, S2019E25
23:45 World Rally Championship. World Rally Championship - Turkey, S2019E28
00:15 No Filter Boxing, S2019E36
00:45 AFL. 120, S2019E120
02:45 Premier League Preview, S2019E5
03:15 World Rally Championship. World Rally Championship - Turkey, S2019E28
03:45 Live: V8 Supercars Championship. Live: V8 Supercars Championship, S2019E23


BT Sport 3 HD

Час. пояс МСК -1

09:30 Live AFL. 120, S2019E120
12:30 BT Sport Reload, S2019E36
12:45 The Polo Show, S2019E2
13:15 Vanarama National League Highlights, S2019E10
13:45 Bundesliga Weekly, S2019E5
14:15 Ligue 1 Show, S2019E5
14:45 FIA Karting Championships, S2019E7
15:15 AFL. 120, S2019E120
17:15 Ligue 1 Show, S2019E5
17:45 Bundesliga Weekly, S2019E5
18:15 Live Bundesliga. Live: Fortuna D v Wolfsburg, S2019E28
20:30 Premier League Preview, S2019E5
21:00 Premier League Match Pack, S2019E5
21:30 WTA Tennis, S2019E88
23:30 Premier League Preview, S2019E5
00:00 Bundesliga. Fortuna Dusseldorf v Wolfsburg, S2019E28
01:00 Ligue 1. Amiens v Lyon, S2019E25
02:00 Live CFL. Live CFL: Ottawa @ BC, S2019E51



Час. пояс МСК -1

05:00 Around the Horn, S2019E184
05:30 ESPN FC, S2019E29
06:00 Pardon the Interruption, S2019E184
06:30 Red Bull Air Race Highlights, S2019E5
07:00 Live WTA Tennis. Live WTA Tennis: Jiangxi Open, S2019E9
15:00 MLB. MLB: Braves @ Phillies, S2019E296
17:45 ESPN FC, S2019E29
18:15 Ligue 1 Show, S2019E5
18:45 Live Ligue 1. Live: Amiens v Lyon, S2019E25
20:45 BT Sport Reload, S2019E36
21:00 Mobil 1: The Grid, S2019E16
21:30 College Football 150, S2019E3
22:00 Live College Football. Live CFB: N Carolina @ Wake Forest, S2019E22
01:15 Live College Football. Live CFB: Washington S v Houston, S2019E23
04:30 College Football 150, S2019E3


C More Fotboll HD

Час. пояс МСК -1

07:00 IK Sirius FK - Falkenbergs FF
09:15 Allsvenskan guldmatch 2002
11:00 Mallorca - Athletic Bilbao
13:20 Örebro SK - GIF Sundsvall
15:55 Östersunds FK - Kalmar FF
18:15 Real Sociedad - Atlético Madrid
20:45 FC Barcelona - Valencia
23:00 IK Sirius FK - Falkenbergs FF
01:30 Philadelphia Union - Los Angeles FC
04:05 Vancouver Whitecaps - Houston Dynamo


C More Golf HD

Час. пояс МСК -1

06:55 Inside the PGA TOUR
07:30 Huvudsändning: PGA Tour: Studio Golf: PGA TOUR
11:45 Inside the PGA TOUR
12:15 PGA TOUR Canada - Magasin
13:00 PGA Tour Classics
13:45 PGA Tour Classics
14:30 Golf: Tee Party
15:30 Golf: Players Profile
15:45 Golf: Players Profile
16:00 Huvudsändning: PGA Tour: Studio Golf: PGA TOUR
20:25 Inside the PGA TOUR
20:50 Huvudsändning: PGA Tour: Studio Golf: PGA TOUR
00:05 Inside the PGA TOUR
00:30 Huvudsändning: PGA Tour: Studio Golf: PGA TOUR
03:45 Inside the PGA TOUR


C More Hockey HD

Час. пояс МСК -1

07:00 Rögle BK - Växjö Lakers HC
09:30 HV 71 - Linköping HC
14:30 SHL: Hockeylördag
15:05 Leksands IF - Malmö
17:40 SHL: Hockeylördag
17:50 Färjestad BK - Örebro HK
20:25 SHL: Hockeylördag
21:00 Leksands IF - Malmö
23:30 Färjestad BK - Örebro HK
02:00 Frölunda HC - Brynäs IF


Deutsche Welle Europe

Час. пояс МСК -1

05:00 DW News
05:15 Business. News
05:30 Tomorrow Today. The Science Magazine
06:00 DW News
06:02 Arts.21. The Cultural Magazine
06:30 Euromaxx. Lifestyle Europe
07:00 DW News
07:15 World Stories. The Week in Reports
07:30 The 77 Percent. Street Debate: Sex tourism in The Gambia
08:00 DW News
08:15 Shift. Living in the Digital Age
08:30 Drive it! The Motor Magazine
09:00 DW News
09:15 Arts and Culture. News
09:30 In Good Shape. Tackling ticks
10:00 DW News
10:15 DocFilm. Leonora - How a Father lost his Daughter to Islamic State
11:00 DW News
11:15 World Stories. The Week in Reports
11:30 Euromaxx. Lifestyle Europe
12:00 DW News
12:15 Shift. Living in the Digital Age
12:30 Check-in. The Travel Guide
13:00 DW News
13:15 Reporter. On Location
13:30 Arts.21. The Cultural Magazine
14:00 DW News
14:15 DocFilm. The Woman with the Bloodhounds
15:00 DW News
15:15 World Stories. The Week in Reports
15:30 Euromaxx. Lifestyle Europe
16:00 DW News
16:15 Reporter. On Location
16:30 The 77 Percent. Street Debate: Sex tourism in The Gambia
17:00 DW News
17:15 Business. DW Debate from the World Economic Forum in Cape Town, South Africa
18:00 DW News
18:15 World Stories. The Week in Reports
18:30 Conflict Zone. Confronting the Powerful
19:00 DW News
19:15 Shift. Living in the Digital Age
19:30 The 77 Percent. Street Debate: Sex tourism in The Gambia
20:00 DW News
20:15 Reporter. On Location
20:30 Kick off! Life. More than Football
21:00 DW News
21:15 DocFilm. Testosterone - The Making of a Man?
22:00 DW News
22:15 World Stories. The Week in Reports
22:30 Arts.21. The Cultural Magazine
23:00 DW News
23:15 The Bundesliga. Your Team, your League, your Show
23:30 Eco Africa. The Environment Magazine
00:00 DW News
00:02 DocFilm. The Short Life of Chris Gueffroy
00:30 Euromaxx. Lifestyle Europe
01:00 DW News
01:15 The Bundesliga. Your Team, your League, your Show
01:30 Check-in. The Travel Guide
02:00 DW News
02:02 The Bundesliga. Your Team, your League, your Show
02:15 Shift. Living in the Digital Age
02:30 DocFilm. The Short Life of Chris Gueffroy
03:00 DW News
03:15 Reporter. On Location
03:30 Euromaxx. Lifestyle Europe
04:00 DW News
04:02 World Stories. The Week in Reports
04:15 DocFilm. Testosterone - The Making of a Man?


Disney Junior

Час. пояс МСК -1

05:00 PJ Masks. 1 с-н 7 с
05:15 PJ Masks. 2 с-н 11 с
05:30 Gigantosaurus. 1 с-н 13 с
05:55 Minnie’s Bow-Toons. 1 с-н 10 с
06:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. 1 с-н 3 с
06:30 Mickey and the Roadster Racers. 1 с-н 25 с
07:00 PJ Masks. 2 с-н 23 с
07:30 Vampirina. 2 с-н 9 с
08:00 Puppy Dog Pals. 2 с-н 6 с
08:30 The Lion Guard. 1 с-н 25 с
09:00 PJ Masks. 1 с-н 22 с
09:30 Vampirina. 1 с-н 5 с
10:00 PJ Masks. 3 с-н 3 с
10:30 Gigantosaurus. 1 с-н 16 с
11:00 Welcome to McStuffinsville
12:00 PJ Masks. 3 с-н 4 с
12:30 PJ Masks. 3 с-н 58 с
13:00 PJ Masks. 3 с-н 1 с
13:30 PJ Masks. 3 с-н 2 с
14:00 PJ Masks. 3 с-н 3 с
14:30 PJ Masks. 3 с-н 5 с
15:00 PJ Masks. 1 с-н 4 с
15:30 Gigantosaurus. 1 с-н 4 с
16:00 Fancy Nancy. 1 с-н 17 с
16:30 Mickey and the Roadster Racers. 2 с-н 16 с
17:00 Doc McStuffins. 4 с-н 3 с
17:30 Doc McStuffins. 4 с-н 111 с. «First Responders to the Rescue»
18:30 PJ Masks. 2 с-н 25 с
19:00 Mickey and the Roadster Racers. 2 с-н 6 с
19:30 PJ Masks. 2 с-н 6 с
20:00 Vampirina. 1 с-н 3 с
20:30 PJ Masks. 3 с-н 3 с
21:00 PJ Masks. 1 с-н 6 с
21:30 PJ Masks. 1 с-н 7 с
22:00 Puppy Dog Pals. 1 с-н 6 с
22:30 Puppy Dog Pals. 1 с-н 7 с
23:00 Closedown


Disney XD

Час. пояс МСК -1

06:00 Lab Rats. 2 с-н 10 с
06:29 Lab Rats. 1 с-н 4 с
07:00 Phineas and Ferb. 3 с-н 66 с
07:29 Phineas and Ferb. 3 с-н 67 с
08:00 Big Hero 6: The Series. 1 с-н 4 с
08:29 Phineas and Ferb. 3 с-н 68 с
09:00 Phineas and Ferb. 3 с-н 69 с
09:29 The New Spiderman. 1 с-н 2 с
10:00 Milo Murphy’s Law. 1 с-н 13 с
10:29 Milo Murphy’s Law. 1 с-н 14 с
11:00 Milo Murphy’s Law. 1 с-н 11 с
11:29 Milo Murphy’s Law. 1 с-н 12 с
12:00 Milo Murphy’s Law. 1 с-н 15 с
12:29 DuckTales. 1 с-н 3 с
13:00 Phineas and Ferb. 3 с-н 70 с
13:29 Phineas and Ferb. 3 с-н 71 с
14:00 Star vs the Forces of Evil. 3 с-н 5 с
14:29 Star vs the Forces of Evil. 3 с-н 2 с
15:00 Phineas and Ferb. 3 с-н 72 с
15:29 Phineas and Ferb. 3 с-н 73 с
16:00 Lab Rats. 4 с-н 12 с
16:29 Lab Rats. 4 с-н 5 с
17:00 Phineas and Ferb. 3 с-н 66 с
17:29 Phineas and Ferb. 3 с-н 67 с
18:00 Big Hero 6: The Series. 1 с-н 11 с
18:29 Big Hero 6: The Series. 1 с-н 12 с
19:00 Phineas and Ferb. 3 с-н 68 с
19:29 Phineas and Ferb. 3 с-н 69 с
20:00 The New Spiderman. 2 с-н 5 с
20:29 The New Spiderman. 2 с-н 6 с
21:00 Space Chickens in Space. 1 с-н 3 с
21:29 Furiki Wheels. 1 с-н 3 с
22:00 Closedown



Час. пояс МСК -1

05:46 29th Street Saxophone Quartet: Estival 1987
06:29 DJAZZ Portrait. «Mohamed Abozekry»
07:03 Thomas Carbou: Spectacle au Bleury
08:14 Saluzzi, Mariano & Dauner live in Stuttgart
09:11 The Definitive Collection: Duke Ellington
10:09 Anderson .Paak - Eurockéennes 2016
10:56 Freedoms Trio - jazzahead!
11:34 Pauli Lyytinen Magnetia Orkesteri - jazzahead!
12:09 Fred Hersch Trio @ Jazz à Ramatuelle
14:11 Jazz à Ramatuelle: Kyle Eastwood Quintet
15:50 BIRDtv. «Cecile McLorin Salvant»
16:06 Seine Sessions: Hiphop Jazz. «Hiphop Jazz»
16:34 Jazz meets Klezmer: The Kol Simcha World Quintet
17:35 Ladama - WOMEX 2018
18:23 Lionel Hampton at the Royal Opera House Liège
20:11 Legends of Jazz. «Roots - the Blues»
20:36 DJAZZ Portrait. «Mathieu Jaton»
21:03 Munich Philharmonic Hall: Michel Camilo Quintet
22:32 The Morgenland Festival: I Will Not Be Sad
00:03 DJAZZ Portrait. «SummerJazz Leiden»
00:13 The Kutimangoes - jazzahead!
00:49 Jazzmeia Horn - jazzahead!
01:56 STUFF. live at BIRD Rotterdam
03:11 Art Blakey Live in 1965
04:03 Lucia Cadotsch: Speak Low - November Music


English Club TV

Час. пояс МСК -1

05:00 Magic Science (12-я серия) (12+)
05:15 Страна искусства (47-я серия) (12+)
05:20 Okey-Dokey (22-я серия) (12+)
05:30 Дети в движении (16-я серия) (12+)
05:35 Умелые руки (25-я серия) (12+)
05:45 Mojo morning (21-я серия) (12+)
06:00 Прогноз погоды (12+)
06:05 Этот день в истории (12+)
06:15 Базовая лексика (38-я серия) (12+)
06:25 Шаг за шагом (38-я серия) (12+)
06:30 Здесь и там (79-я серия) (12+)
06:40 Идеальный английский (40-я серия) (12+)
06:50 English in Focus (11-я серия) (12+)
07:00 Прогноз погоды (12+)
07:05 Служба спасения от ошибок в английском языке (61-я серия) (12+)
07:10 Грамматическая мудрость (28-я серия) (12+)
07:45 Городская грамматика (35-я серия) (12+)
07:55 Что они сказали (12-я серия) (12+)
08:00 Прогноз погоды (12+)
08:05 Этот день в истории (12+)
08:15 Стоит посмотреть (27-я серия) (12+)
08:25 Film Set (1-я серия) (12+)
08:40 Место на карте (4-я серия) (12+)
08:50 Поддерживай себя в форме (9-я серия) (12+)
09:00 Прогноз погоды (12+)
09:05 Базовая лексика (12+)
09:15 Шаг за шагом (8-я серия) (12+)
09:20 Jack of all Trades (6-я серия) (12+)
09:35 English is the Key (4-я серия) (12+)
09:45 Любимая работа (1-я серия) (12+)
10:00 Прогноз погоды (12+)
10:05 Этот день в истории (12+)
10:15 Gadget-x (8-я серия) (12+)
10:30 3Ways2 (9-я серия) (12+)
10:45 Figures of Speech (8-я серия) (12+)
11:00 Magic Science (12-я серия) (12+)
11:15 Страна искусства (47-я серия) (12+)
11:20 Okey-Dokey (22-я серия) (12+)
11:30 Дети в движении (16-я серия) (12+)
11:35 Умелые руки (25-я серия) (12+)
11:45 Вкуснятина для мамы (12+)
12:00 Прогноз погоды (12+)
12:05 Этот день в истории (12+)
12:15 Базовая лексика (38-я серия) (12+)
12:25 Шаг за шагом (38-я серия) (12+)
12:30 Здесь и там (79-я серия) (12+)
12:40 Идеальный английский (40-я серия) (12+)
12:50 English in Focus (11-я серия) (12+)
13:00 Прогноз погоды (12+)
13:05 Служба спасения от ошибок в английском языке (61-я серия) (12+)
13:10 Грамматическая мудрость (28-я серия) (12+)
13:45 Городская грамматика (35-я серия) (12+)
13:55 Что они сказали (12-я серия) (12+)
14:00 Прогноз погоды (12+)
14:05 Этот день в истории (12+)
14:15 Стоит посмотреть (27-я серия) (12+)
14:25 Film Set (1-я серия) (12+)
14:40 Место на карте (4-я серия) (12+)
14:50 Поддерживай себя в форме (9-я серия) (12+)
15:00 Прогноз погоды (12+)
15:05 Базовая лексика (12+)
15:15 Шаг за шагом (8-я серия) (12+)
15:20 Jack of all Trades (6-я серия) (12+)
15:35 English is the Key (4-я серия) (12+)
15:45 Любимая работа (1-я серия) (12+)
16:00 Прогноз погоды (12+)
16:05 Этот день в истории (12+)
16:15 Gadget-x (8-я серия) (12+)
16:30 3Ways2 (9-я серия) (12+)
16:45 Figures of Speech (8-я серия) (12+)
17:00 Magic Science (12-я серия) (12+)
17:15 Страна искусства (47-я серия) (12+)
17:20 Okey-Dokey (22-я серия) (12+)
17:30 Дети в движении (16-я серия) (12+)
17:35 Умелые руки (25-я серия) (12+)
17:45 Вкуснятина для мамы (12+)
18:00 Прогноз погоды (12+)
18:05 Этот день в истории (12+)
18:15 Базовая лексика (38-я серия) (12+)
18:25 Шаг за шагом (38-я серия) (12+)
18:30 Здесь и там (79-я серия) (12+)
18:40 Идеальный английский (40-я серия) (12+)
18:50 English in Focus (11-я серия) (12+)
19:00 Film Set (12+)
19:15 Кейт и Лео (12+)
21:15 Шаг за шагом (8-я серия) (12+)
21:20 Jack of all Trades (6-я серия) (12+)
21:35 English is the Key (4-я серия) (12+)
21:45 Любимая работа (1-я серия) (12+)
22:00 Прогноз погоды (12+)
22:05 Этот день в истории (12+)
22:15 Gadget-x (8-я серия) (12+)
22:30 3Ways2 (9-я серия) (12+)
22:45 Figures of Speech (8-я серия) (12+)
23:00 Magic Science (12-я серия) (12+)
23:15 Страна искусства (47-я серия) (12+)
23:20 Okey-Dokey (22-я серия) (12+)
23:30 Дети в движении (16-я серия) (12+)
23:35 Умелые руки (25-я серия) (12+)
23:45 Вкуснятина для мамы (12+)
00:00 Прогноз погоды (12+)
00:05 Этот день в истории (12+)
00:15 Базовая лексика (38-я серия) (12+)
00:25 Шаг за шагом (38-я серия) (12+)
00:30 Здесь и там (79-я серия) (12+)
00:40 Идеальный английский (40-я серия) (12+)
00:50 English in Focus (11-я серия) (12+)
01:00 Прогноз погоды (12+)
01:05 Служба спасения от ошибок в английском языке (61-я серия) (12+)
01:10 Грамматическая мудрость (28-я серия) (12+)
01:45 Городская грамматика (35-я серия) (12+)
01:55 Что они сказали (12-я серия) (12+)
02:00 Прогноз погоды (12+)
02:05 Этот день в истории (12+)
02:15 Стоит посмотреть (27-я серия) (12+)
02:25 Film Set (1-я серия) (12+)
02:40 Место на карте (4-я серия) (12+)
02:50 Поддерживай себя в форме (9-я серия) (12+)
03:00 Прогноз погоды (12+)
03:05 Базовая лексика (12+)
03:15 Шаг за шагом (8-я серия) (12+)
03:20 Jack of all Trades (6-я серия) (12+)
03:35 English is the Key (4-я серия) (12+)
03:45 Любимая работа (1-я серия) (12+)
04:00 Прогноз погоды (12+)
04:05 Этот день в истории (12+)
04:15 Gadget-x (8-я серия) (12+)
04:30 3Ways2 (9-я серия) (12+)
04:45 Figures of Speech (8-я серия) (12+)


Euronews ENG

Час. пояс МСК -1

05:00 Euronews Now (12+)
05:30 Euronews Now (12+)
06:00 Euronews Now (12+)
06:30 Euronews Now (12+)
06:46 State of the Union (12+)
06:53 Euronews Now (12+)
07:14 Euronews Now (12+)
07:23 Euronews Now (12+)
07:44 Euronews Now (12+)
07:51 Euronews Now (12+)
08:00 Euronews Now (12+)
08:30 Euronews Now (12+)
08:40 State of the Union (12+)
08:53 Euronews Now (12+)
09:14 Euronews Now (12+)
09:23 Euronews Now (12+)
09:44 Euronews Now (12+)
09:52 Euronews Now (12+)
10:00 Raw Politics – ICYMI (12+)
10:47 Raw Politics – ICYMI (12+)
11:00 Global Week-End (12+)
11:17 Global Week-End (12+)
11:32 Global Week-End (12+)
11:46 Global Week-End (12+)
12:00 Global Week-End (12+)
12:19 Global Week-End (12+)
12:32 Global Week-End (12+)
12:47 Global Week-End (12+)
13:00 Global Week-End (12+)
13:16 State of the Union (12+)


Eurosport 2 NE

Час. пояс МСК -1

05:30 Снукер. Masters в Шанхае, Китай. 1/2 финала
07:55 Снукер. Masters в Шанхае, Китай. 1/2 финала. LIVE!
11:05 Велоспорт. Гран-при Квебека в Канаде
12:25 Велоспорт. Тур Британии. Этап 7
13:25 Снукер. Masters в Шанхае, Китай. 1/2 финала. LIVE!
15:20 Футбол. Германия. Бундеслига. 4 тур. «Боруссия Дортмунд» - «Байер 04». LIVE!
17:30 Футбол. Германия. Бундеслига. 4 тур. «Унион» - «Вердер»
18:25 Футбол. Германия. Бундеслига. 4 тур. «РБ Лейпциг» - «Бавария». LIVE!
20:30 Новости
20:35 Брейк-данс. World Urban Games в Будапеште, Венгрия. Финалы
21:15 Велоспорт. Тур Британии. Этап 8
22:45 Велоспорт. «Вуэльта». Этап 20. Аренас-де-Сан-Педро - Платаформа-де-Гредос
23:55 Новости
00:05 Снукер. Masters в Шанхае, Китай. 1/2 финала
01:30 Велоспорт. Тур Британии. Этап 8
03:00 Снукер. Masters в Шанхае, Китай. 1/2 финала
04:00 Велоспорт. «Вуэльта». Этап 20. Аренас-де-Сан-Педро - Платаформа-де-Гредос


Fashion TV Europe

Час. пояс МСК -1

05:00 Hairstyles
05:25 F-People
05:30 Model Talks
05:55 Fashion Week
06:00 Make-Up
06:25 F-People
06:30 Make-Up
06:55 Fashion Week
07:00 Fashion & Sports
07:25 F-People
07:30 Fitness
07:55 Fashion Week
08:00 Gisele Bundchen Story
08:25 F-People
08:30 Gisele Bundchen Story
08:55 Fashion Week
09:00 Designers
09:25 F-People
09:30 Designers
09:55 Fashion Week
10:00 Fashion Junior
10:25 F-People
10:30 Fashion Junior
10:55 Fashion Week
11:00 Top Models
11:25 F-People
11:30 Top Models
11:55 Fashion Week
12:00 Steven Meisel Story
12:25 F-People
12:30 Steven Meisel Story
12:55 Fashion Week
13:00 Fashion Destination
13:25 F-People
13:30 Fashion Destination
13:55 Fashion Week
14:00 Bridal
14:25 F-People
14:30 Bridal
14:55 Fashion Week
15:00 Fashion Teens
15:25 F-People
15:30 Fashion Teens
15:55 Fashion Week
16:00 Valentino Story
16:25 F-People
16:30 Valentino Story
16:55 Fashion Week
17:00 Top Photoshoots
17:25 F-People
17:30 Top Photoshoots
17:55 Fashion Week
18:00 Made in America
18:25 F-People
18:30 Made in America
18:55 Fashion Week
19:00 Fashion News
19:25 F-People
19:30 Fashion News
19:55 Fashion Week
20:00 Bruce Weber Story
20:30 Bruce Weber Story
20:55 F-Parties
21:00 Masterpieces
21:30 Masterpieces
21:55 F-Parties
22:00 Top Photoshoots
22:30 Top Photoshoots
22:55 F-Parties
23:00 Midnite Secrets
23:30 Midnite Secrets
23:55 F-Parties
00:00 Bikini
00:30 Bikini
00:55 F-Parties
01:00 Festivals
01:30 Festivals
01:55 F-Parties
02:00 Designers
02:30 Designers
02:55 F-Parties
03:00 Top Models
03:30 Top Models
03:55 F-Parties
04:00 Top Photoshoots
04:30 Top Photoshoots
04:55 F-Parties


Festival 4K

Час. пояс МСК -1

05:08 House of the Gipsies - Sing Jazz 2018
05:57 Savoir Adore
06:29 Point G @ Trabendo 2018
08:01 Ladama - WOMEX 2018
08:49 Imagine Dragons
09:21 K.Flay
10:09 Flamenco Passion: Ballet
11:03 Jazz a Ramatuelle: Omar Sosa
12:41 Playboi Carti
14:04 Marcel Khalife
15:40 Bon Voyage Organisation
16:37 Israel Philharmonic Orchestra
20:02 The All-American Rejects
20:57 BCUC
22:00 Snarky Puppy
23:44 Django Memories
02:01 Louisahhh B2B Maelstrom @ Trabendo 2018
03:05 Mario Batkovic - WOMEX 2018
03:34 Chloe - Trabendo Paris
04:48 China Moses: ’Whatever’ at Jazz a Ramatuelle


Fight Sports

Час. пояс МСК -1

05:00 FIGHT SPORTS MMA. Conrad Seabi vs Max Merten
06:00 MEGA Fights. Paul Williams vs. Carlos Quintana
07:30 Fight Quest. In Kerala, India
08:30 Wide World of Fights. Adrian Broner vs. Jason Litzau
09:00 Knockouts! Saul (Canelo) Alvarez vs. Jose Miguel Cotto
09:30 FS Grand Sumo. 2019 Natsu basho: Show 3
10:00 Fight Science. Stealth Fighters Part 2
10:30 Judo for the World. Tokyo Grand Slam
11:00 Wide World of Fights. Floyd Mayweather Jr. vs. Miguel Cotto
11:30 XMA. Biomechanics of Weapons
12:00 MEGA Fights. Paul Williams vs. Carlos Quintana
13:30 Fight Quest. In Kerala, India
14:30 Wide World of Fights. Adrian Broner vs. Jason Litzau
15:00 Knockouts! Saul (Canelo) Alvarez vs. Jose Miguel Cotto
15:30 FS Grand Sumo. 2019 Natsu basho: Show 3
16:00 Fight Science. Stealth Fighters Part 2
16:30 Judo for the World. Tokyo Grand Slam
17:00 Wide World of Fights. Floyd Mayweather Jr. vs. Miguel Cotto
17:30 XMA. Biomechanics of Weapons
18:00 MEGA Fights. Marcos Rene Maidana vs. Erik Morales (2 hour version)
20:00 FIGHT SPORTS WCK. Kamil Pawlak vs. Vitalie Matei
21:00 Knockouts! Juan Manuel Marquez vs. Michael Katsidis
21:30 FS Grand Sumo. 2019 Natsu basho: Show 4
22:00 BWF Martial Arts. Women’s Forms Championship
22:30 XMA. Biomechanics of Punches and Kicks
23:00 FIGHT SPORTS MMA. Igeu Kabesa vs. Calum Murrie
00:00 MEGA Fights. Marcos Rene Maidana vs. Erik Morales (2 hour version)
02:00 FIGHT SPORTS WCK. Kamil Pawlak vs. Vitalie Matei
03:00 Knockouts! Juan Manuel Marquez vs. Michael Katsidis
03:30 FS Grand Sumo. 2019 Natsu basho: Show 4
04:00 BWF Martial Arts. Women’s Forms Championship
04:30 XMA. Biomechanics of Punches and Kicks


France 24 English

Час. пояс МСК -1

05:00 News
05:15 Eye On Africa
05:30 News
05:45 Encore!
06:00 News
06:15 Sports
06:21 Fashion
06:30 News
06:45 Across Africa
07:00 News
07:15 Sports
07:21 You Are Here
07:30 News
07:45 The Interview
08:00 News
08:10 Sports
08:16 Encore!
08:30 News
08:40 Revisited
09:00 News
09:15 French Connections
09:21 Sports
09:30 News
09:45 People & Profit
10:00 News
10:15 The Observers
10:21 You Are Here
10:30 News
10:45 The 51%
11:00 News
11:16 France In Focus
11:30 News
11:45 Encore!
12:00 News
12:10 Talking Europe Part 1
12:30 News
12:40 Talking Europe Part 2
13:00 News
13:10 Reporters
13:30 News
13:40 Across Africa
13:52 You Are Here
14:00 News
14:15 Tech24
14:30 News
14:45 The Interview
15:00 News
15:10 Revisited
15:30 News
15:40 Encore!
15:52 Fashion
16:00 News
16:15 Access Asia
16:30 News
16:45 The Observers
16:51 Down To Earth
17:00 News
17:15 The Interview
17:30 News
17:45 The 51%
18:00 News
18:15 Tech24
18:30 News
18:45 Across Africa
19:00 News
19:15 Sports
19:21 Down To Earth
19:30 News
19:45 Encore!
20:00 News
20:15 French Connections
20:21 Sports
20:30 News
20:45 The Interview
21:00 News
21:10 Reporters
21:30 News
21:40 People & Profit
21:52 You Are Here
22:00 News
22:10 Talking Europe Part 1
22:30 News
22:40 Talking Europe Part 2
23:00 News
23:10 Sports
23:16 Tech24
23:30 News
23:40 Revisited
00:00 News
00:15 Sports
00:21 Down To Earth
00:30 News
00:45 France In Focus
01:00 News
01:15 Sports
01:21 The Observers
01:30 News
01:45 The Interview
02:00 News
02:15 The 51%
02:30 News
02:45 Tech24
03:00 News
03:15 French Connections
03:21 You Are Here
03:30 News
03:45 Encore!
04:00 News
04:15 People & Profit
04:30 News
04:45 The Interview


France 24 Francais

Час. пояс МСК -1

05:00 Le journal
05:15 C’est en France
05:30 Le journal
05:45 Le journal de l’Afrique
06:00 Le journal
06:15 Sports
06:21 Focus
06:30 Le journal
06:45 L’invite de l’eco
07:00 Le journal
07:15 Sports
07:21 Dans les hebdos
07:30 Le journal
07:45 Tech24
08:00 Le journal
08:15 Sports
08:21 Focus
08:30 Le journal
08:45 L’entretien
09:00 Le journal
09:15 Sports
09:21 Vous etes ici
09:30 Le journal
09:45 A l’affiche
10:00 Le journal
10:15 Les observateurs
10:21 Dans les hebdos
10:30 Le journal
10:45 Sports
10:51 Pas 2 quartier
11:00 Le journal
11:15 Demain a la une 1ere partie
11:30 Le journal
11:45 Demain a la une 2eme partie
12:00 Le journal
12:10 Billet retour
12:30 Le journal
12:40 C’est en France
12:52 Focus
13:00 Le journal
13:10 Ici l’Europe 1ere partie
13:30 Le journal
13:40 Ici l’Europe 2eme partie
14:00 Le journal
14:15 Les observateurs
14:21 Vous etes ici
14:30 Le journal
14:45 Le gros mot de l’eco
15:00 Le journal
15:10 Le Paris des arts
15:30 Le journal
15:40 L’invite de l’eco
15:52 Dans les hebdos
16:00 Le journal
16:15 Tech24
16:30 Le journal
16:45 A l’affiche
17:00 Le journal
17:15 La semaine de l’eco 1ere partie
17:30 Le journal
17:45 La semaine de l’eco 2eme partie
18:00 Le journal
18:10 Billet retour
18:30 Le journal
18:40 L’entretien
18:52 Pas 2 quartier
19:00 Le journal
19:15 Demain a la une 1ere partie
19:30 Le journal
19:45 Demain a la une 2eme partie
20:00 Le journal
20:15 Sports
20:21 Element terre
20:30 Le journal
20:45 A l’affiche
21:00 Le journal
21:10 Ici l’Europe 1ere partie
21:30 Le journal
21:40 Ici l’Europe 2eme partie
22:00 Le journal
22:10 Reporters
22:30 Le journal
22:40 Actuelles
22:52 Focus
23:00 Le journal
23:15 Tech24
23:30 Le journal
23:45 A l’affiche
00:00 Le journal
00:15 La semaine de l’eco 1ere partie
00:30 Le journal
00:45 La semaine de l’eco 2eme partie
01:00 Le journal
01:15 C’est en France
01:30 Le journal
01:45 L’entretien
02:00 Le journal
02:10 Le Paris des arts
02:30 Le journal
02:40 Billet retour
03:00 Le journal
03:10 Ici l’Europe 1ere partie
03:30 Le journal
03:40 Ici l’Europe 2eme partie
04:00 Le journal
04:10 Reporters
04:30 Le journal
04:40 A l’affiche
04:52 Mode



Час. пояс МСК -1

05:00 Fashion & Sports
05:25 F-People
05:30 Fitness
05:55 Fashion Week
06:00 Hairstyles
06:25 F-People
06:30 Model Talks
06:55 Fashion Week
07:00 Make-Up
07:25 F-People
07:30 Make-Up
07:55 Fashion Week
08:00 Gisele Bundchen Story
08:25 F-People
08:30 Gisele Bundchen Story
08:55 Fashion Week
09:00 Fashion Junior
09:25 F-People
09:30 Fashion Junior
09:55 Fashion Week
10:00 Photographers
10:25 F-People
10:30 Photographers
10:55 Fashion Week
11:00 Top Models
11:25 F-People
11:30 Top Models
11:55 Fashion Week
12:00 Steven Meisel Story
12:25 F-People
12:30 Steven Meisel Story
12:55 Fashion Week
13:00 Bridal
13:25 F-People
13:30 Bridal
13:55 Fashion Week
14:00 Fashion Destination
14:25 F-People
14:30 Fashion Destination
14:55 Fashion Week
15:00 Fashion Teens
15:25 F-People
15:30 Fashion Teens
15:55 Fashion Week
16:00 Valentino Story
16:25 F-People
16:30 Valentino Story
16:55 Fashion Week
17:00 Designers
17:25 F-People
17:30 Designers
17:55 Fashion Week
18:00 Made in America
18:25 F-People
18:30 Made in America
18:55 Fashion Week
19:00 Fashion News
19:25 F-People
19:30 Fashion News
19:55 Fashion Week
20:00 Bruce Weber Story
20:30 Bruce Weber Story
20:55 F-Parties
21:00 Masterpieces
21:30 Masterpieces
21:55 F-Parties
22:00 Fashion Films
22:30 Fashion Films
22:55 F-Parties
23:00 Midnite Secrets
23:30 Midnite Secrets
23:55 F-Parties
00:00 Swimwear
00:30 Swimwear
00:55 F-Parties
01:00 Festivals
01:30 Festivals
01:55 F-Parties
02:00 Top Models
02:30 Top Models
02:55 F-Parties
03:00 Top Photoshoots
03:30 Top Photoshoots
03:55 F-Parties
04:00 Fashion Films
04:30 Fashion Films
04:55 F-Parties


Fuel TV HD

Час. пояс МСК -1

05:00 Scratching the Surface (12+)
06:00 Firsthand (12+)
06:30 Firsthand (12+)
07:00 Fairly Normal (12+)
07:10 Battle at the Silver Dragon (12+)
07:30 The Adventures of Danny & The Dingo (12+)
08:00 The Moto: Inside The Outdoors (12+)
08:30 The Moto: Inside The Outdoors (12+)
09:00 Thrillbillies (12+)
09:30 Thrillbillies (12+)
10:00 Safety Summit Acores-2019 (12+)
10:30 The Kickback (12+)
12:00 One Less Brick in the Wall (12+)
12:30 One Less Brick in the Wall (12+)
13:00 One Less Brick in the Wall (12+)
13:30 The Moto: Inside The Outdoors (12+)
14:00 Thrillbillies (12+)
14:30 Thrillbillies (12+)
15:00 Firsthand (12+)
15:30 World of X Games (12+)
16:30 One Less Brick in the Wall (12+)
17:00 One Less Brick in the Wall (12+)
17:30 One Less Brick in the Wall (12+)
18:00 The Moto: Inside The Outdoors (12+)
18:30 The Moto: Inside The Outdoors (12+)
19:00 Thrillbillies (12+)
19:30 Thrillbillies (12+)
20:00 Riding Portugal (12+)
20:45 Riding Portugal (12+)
21:15 Vans Duct Tape-2019 (12+)
21:30 Riding Portugal (12+)
22:00 Riding Portugal (12+)
22:45 Firsthand (12+)
23:00 Drive Thru South Africa (12+)
23:30 Drive Thru South Africa (12+)
00:00 Built To Shred (12+)
00:30 The Inertia (12+)
01:00 Riding Portugal (12+)
01:45 Riding Portugal (12+)
02:15 Vans Duct Tape-2019 (12+)
02:30 Riding Portugal (12+)
03:00 Riding Portugal (12+)
03:45 Firsthand (12+)
04:00 Built To Shred (12+)
04:30 The Inertia (12+)



Час. пояс МСК -1

07:20 Gamanoid World
07:50 Sportsland
08:05 Stream Nation - Minecraft
09:20 Gametoon Spotlight
09:35 Stream Nation - Unravel 2
10:40 Stream Nation - Guacamelee! 2
12:25 Gamanoid World
12:55 Stream Nation - Fortnite
13:55 Platformers
14:10 Esports - Hearthstone
16:30 Epic Indie
17:00 Esports - Dota 2
19:00 Esports - League Of Legends
20:40 Stream Nation - Apex
21:50 Stream Nation - Bloodstained
22:50 Stream Nation - The Resident Evil 2
23:50 Esports - CS: GO
01:30 Stream Nation - Vampyr
02:30 Stream Nation - The Evil Within 2
03:25 Horrorland
03:55 Zoomin 10UP
04:20 Actionland
04:35 Esports - World Of Tanks


History-Viasat EN

Час. пояс МСК -1

05:00 Wicked Inventions. Freeze-drying
05:30 Wicked Inventions. Submarines
06:10 Wicked Inventions. Bike
06:35 Julius Caesar Revealed
07:50 Mysteries at the Museum. Civil War Prostitutes, Art Hoax, in Cold Blood
08:40 Mysteries at the Museum. Baseball Stalker, Peggy Shippen and Moon Hoax
09:35 Rome: The World’s First Superpower. Episode 1
10:30 Conspiracy. Episode 8
11:25 Conspiracy. Episode 9
12:20 Secrets of the Pyramids. Episode 1
13:25 Secrets of the Pyramids. Episode 2
14:25 Egypt’s Unexplained Files. Finding Nefertiti
15:20 Egypt’s Unexplained Files. Lost City of the Sun Cult
16:20 Egypt’s Unexplained Files. Ancient Icons In The Modern Age
17:15 Egypt’s Unexplained Files. Health and wealth
18:10 Egypt’s Unexplained Files. Decline and fall
19:10 Rogue Earth. Episode 1
20:05 Elizabeth I And Her Enemies. Death of a Dynasty
21:00 The Story of Europe. The Cradles of Europe
22:00 Hidden Traces. Vietnam War
23:05 History of Weapons. Faster Than The Enemy
00:10 Ancient Assassins. Kung Fu Nun
01:00 Forbidden History. The Real James Bond
01:55 Forbidden History. The Hunt For Nazi Treasure
02:45 Mysteries at the Museum. Circling the Skies; Lady & the Panda; 12 Years a Slave
03:30 Mysteries at the Museum. Love Canal; Duquesne Spy Ring; Survival in the Colonies
04:15 Wicked Inventions. Episode 20
04:40 The Genius Of Marie Curie - The Woman Who Lit Up The World


ID Fashion

Час. пояс МСК -1

05:07 ID Collection. Miguel Marinero FW 19-20
05:20 ID Collection. Barcelona Bridal Fashion Week. Jesus Peiro 19
05:44 ID Collection. Gilberto Calzolari FW 19-20
05:50 ID Collection. Armine Ohanyan SS 19
05:57 ID Collection. Roberto Verino FW 19-20
06:14 ID Collection. La Metamorphose SS 19
06:29 ID Collection. Cividini FW 19-20
06:39 ID Collection. Armine Ohanyan SS 19
06:46 ID Collection. Beatriz Penalver FW 19-20
06:59 ID Collection. Ulises Merida FW 19-20
07:13 ID Collection. Ana Locking FW 19-20
07:25 ID Collection. Custo FW 19-20
07:39 ID Collection. Cherry Massia FW 19-20
07:50 ID Collection. Steven Khalil FW 19-20
07:57 ID Collection. Agnala FW 19-20
08:01 ID Collection. Pilar Dalbat Sin Musica FW 19-20
08:04 ID Collection. Spyder FW 19-20
08:13 ID Collection. Patrick Pham FW 19-20
08:20 ID Collection. Melania Freire FW 19-20
08:29 ID Collection. Aristidou SS 19
08:35 ID Collection. Lior FW 19-20
08:40 ID Collection. Fumiku SS 19
08:52 ID Collection. Jenny Fax SS 19
09:02 ID Collection. Patuna SS 19
09:07 ID Collection. Danshan FW 19-20
09:10 ID Collection. Hare SS 19
09:20 ID Collection. La Metamorphose SS 19
09:35 ID Collection. Gilberto Calzolari FW 19-20
09:40 ID Collection. For Example Showroom SS 19
09:43 ID Collection. Ler Ligisa FW 19-20
09:47 ID Collection. Marcelo Burlon County of Milan FW 19-20
09:55 ID Collection. Alin Le’ Kal SS 19
10:07 ID Collection. Gilberto Calzolari FW 19-20
10:12 ID Collection. Armine Ohanyan SS 19
10:20 ID Collection. Maryling FW 19-20
10:32 ID Collection. Barcelona Bridal Fashion Week. Isabel Sanchis 19
10:55 ID Collection. Alin Le’ Kal SS 19
11:08 ID Collection. Cividini FW 19-20
11:18 ID Collection. Agnala FW 19-20
11:21 ID Collection. Anrealage SS 19
11:51 ID Collection. Spyder FW 19-20
12:00 ID Collection. Ruby Fang SS 19
12:13 ID Collection. Barcelona Bridal Fashion Week. Cymbeline 19
12:48 ID Collection. Aristidou SS 19
12:53 ID Collection. Lior FW 19-20
12:58 ID Collection. Cottweiler FW 19-20
13:02 ID Collection. Jenny Fax SS 19
13:12 ID Collection. Danshan FW 19-20
13:15 ID Collection. Patuna SS 19
13:21 ID Collection. Ziad Nakad SS 19
13:45 ID Collection. Mazelle Studio FW 19-20
13:51 ID Collection. Oteyza SS 19
13:53 ID Collection. Niki Srinivasa SS 19
13:58 ID Collection. Hare SS 19
14:08 ID Collection. Patrick Pham SS 19
14:15 ID Collection. Arutiunova SS 19
14:23 ID Collection. Global Fashion Collective 1st SS 19
14:38 ID Collection. Beatriz Penalver FW 19-20
14:50 ID Collection. Ulises Merida FW 19-20
15:05 ID Collection. Ana Locking FW 19-20
15:16 ID Collection. Custo FW 19-20
15:31 ID Collection. Cherry Massia FW 19-20
15:41 ID Collection. Steven Khalil FW 19-20
15:49 ID Collection. Agnala FW 19-20
15:52 ID Collection. Pilar Dalbat Sin Musica FW 19-20
15:55 ID Collection. Spyder FW 19-20
16:04 ID Collection. Patrick Pham FW 19-20
16:11 ID Collection. Melania Freire FW 19-20
16:21 ID Collection. Aristidou SS 19
16:26 ID Collection. Lior FW 19-20
16:32 ID Collection. Fumiku SS 19
16:43 ID Collection. Jenny Fax SS 19
16:53 ID Journal. Serebrova
17:00 ID Collection. Patuna SS 19
17:05 ID Collection. Danshan FW 19-20
17:09 ID Collection. Hare SS 19
17:19 ID Collection. La Metamorphose SS 19
17:34 ID Collection. Gilberto Calzolari FW 19-20
17:39 ID Collection. For Example Showroom SS 19
17:42 ID Collection. Ler Ligisa FW 19-20
17:45 ID Collection. Ler Ligisa FW 19-20
17:48 ID Collection. Marni FW 19-20
17:58 ID Collection. Gilberto Calzolari FW 19-20
18:03 ID Journal. Serebrova
18:11 ID Collection. Roberto Verino FW 19-20
18:27 ID Collection. La Metamorphose SS 19
18:42 ID Collection. Beatriz Penalver FW 19-20
18:55 ID Collection. Ulises Merida FW 19-20
19:09 ID Collection. Ana Locking FW 19-20
19:21 ID Collection. Custo FW 19-20
19:35 ID Collection. Cherry Massia FW 19-20
19:46 ID Collection. Steven Khalil FW 19-20
19:53 ID Collection. Agnala FW 19-20
19:57 ID Collection. Pilar Dalbat Sin Musica FW 19-20
20:00 ID Journal. Serebrova
20:07 ID Collection. Spyder FW 19-20
20:16 ID Collection. Patrick Pham FW 19-20
20:23 ID Collection. Melania Freire FW 19-20
20:33 ID Collection. Aristidou SS 19
20:38 ID Collection. Lior FW 19-20
20:43 ID Collection. Fumiku SS 19
20:55 ID Collection. Jenny Fax SS 19
21:05 ID Collection. Patuna SS 19
21:10 ID Collection. Danshan FW 19-20
21:13 ID Collection. Hare SS 19
21:23 ID Collection. La Metamorphose SS 19
21:38 ID Collection. Gilberto Calzolari FW 19-20
21:43 ID Collection. For Example Showroom SS 19
21:47 ID Collection. Ler Ligisa FW 19-20
21:50 ID Collection. Cividini FW 19-20
22:00 ID Collection. Armine Ohanyan SS 19
22:08 ID Collection. Marcelo Burlon County of Milan FW 19-20
22:16 ID Collection. Alin Le’ Kal SS 19
22:28 ID Collection. Ziad Nakad SS 19
22:52 ID Collection. Mazelle Studio FW 19-20
22:57 ID Collection. Oteyza SS 19
23:00 ID Collection. Coconutscankill SS 20
23:13 ID Collection. Oteyza FW 19-20
23:16 ID Collection. VDM The Label. Swimwear SS 20
23:28 ID Collection. Moises Nieto SS 20
23:37 ID Collection. TJ. Swimwear SS 20
23:46 ID Collection. Damur SS 20
00:05 ID Collection. Miaoran FW 19-20
00:16 ID Collection. Custo SS 20
00:32 ID Collection. TJ. Swimwear SS 20
00:41 ID Collection. Roberto Verino FW 19-20
00:57 ID Collection. Coconutscankill SS 20
01:10 ID Collection. Sonya. Swimwear SS 20
01:22 ID Collection. Aleem Yusuf FW 19-20
01:27 ID Journal. Serebrova
01:34 ID Collection. Barcelona Bridal Fashion Week. Jesus Peiro 19
01:58 ID Collection. N Gvasalia SS 20
02:08 ID Collection. Afffair FW 19-20
02:26 ID Collection. Barcelona Bridal Fashion Week. Marco & Maria 19
02:51 ID Collection. Inkrush SS 20
03:01 ID Collection. Rebeligion FW 19-20
03:13 ID Collection. Teresa Helbig FW 19-20
03:24 ID Collection. Marcelo Burlon County of Milan FW 19-20
03:32 ID Collection. Barcelona Bridal Fashion Week. Matilde Cano 19
03:56 ID Collection. Malne FW 19-20
04:09 ID Collection. Zuzana Kubickova FW 19-20
04:25 ID Collection. Roberto Diz SS 20
04:39 ID Collection. Becomely SS 20
04:49 ID Collection. Sage. Swimwear SS 20
04:55 ID Collection. Barcelona Bridal Fashion Week. Isabel Zapardiez 19


Luxe HD

Час. пояс МСК -1

05:00 Luxe. This Week (12+)
06:00 Destination (12+)
07:00 Luxe. This Week (12+)
08:00 Destination (12+)
09:00 Luxe. This Week (12+)
10:00 Destination (12+)
11:00 Luxe. This Week (12+)
12:00 Destination (12+)
13:00 Luxe. This Week (12+)
14:00 Destination (12+)
15:00 Luxe. This Week (12+)
16:00 Destination (12+)
17:00 Luxe. This Week (12+)
18:00 Destination (12+)
19:00 Luxe. This Week (12+)
20:00 Destination (12+)
21:00 Luxe. This Week (12+)
22:00 Destination (12+)
23:00 Luxe. This Week (12+)
00:00 Destination (12+)
01:00 Luxe. This Week (12+)
02:00 Destination (12+)
03:00 Luxe. This Week (12+)
04:00 Destination (12+)


Luxe TV
Час. пояс МСК -1

05:00 Luxe. This Week (12+)
06:00 Destination (Espagne) (12+)
07:00 Luxe. This Week (12+)
08:00 Destination (France/Paris) (12+)
09:00 Luxe. This Week (12+)
10:00 Destination (Italie) (12+)
11:00 Luxe. This Week (12+)
12:00 Destination (Etats-Unis/Los Angeles) (12+)
13:00 Luxe. This Week (12+)
14:00 Destination (Espagne) (12+)
15:00 Luxe. This Week (12+)
16:00 Destination (France/Paris) (12+)
17:00 Luxe. This Week (12+)
18:00 Destination (Italie) (12+)
19:00 Luxe. This Week (12+)
20:00 Destination (Etats-Unis/Los Angeles) (12+)
21:00 Luxe. This Week (12+)
22:00 Destination (Espagne) (12+)
23:00 Luxe. This Week (12+)
00:00 Destination (France/Paris) (12+)
01:00 Luxe. This Week (12+)
02:00 Destination (Italie) (12+)
03:00 Luxe. This Week (12+)
04:00 Destination (Etats-Unis/Los Angeles) (12+)


Muzsika TV
Час. пояс МСК -1

05:00 Házibuli Attilával
06:00 Dáridó Garden / zenés műsor, 7. rész
07:00 Klip válogatás / 2015
08:00 Muzsika mix / szórakoztató műsor, 35. rész
10:00 Dallamokon át / magyar szórakoztató műsor, VIII / 31. rész
11:00 Klip válogatás / 2015
11:55 Felvidéki mulatós show / III / 21. rész
12:55 NAGYfröccs / magyar szórakoztató műsor, VI / 11. rész
13:55 Retro Disco / zenés műsor, VII / 30. rész
14:55 Klip válogatás / 2015
15:50 Hungarian Pop Top / VII / 17. rész
16:50 Tuti Buli Jessy-vel / zenés műsor, III / 36. rész
17:50 Zenés barátságok / magyar zenés műsor, IV / 30. rész
18:50 Magyar Lovas Színház - A hét vezér rockopera
21:00 Muzsika Tv Extra / 52. rész
22:00 Muzsika TV Road Show / 1. rész, ep: Miskolc
23:00 ZG Stars
00:00 Fűre lépni Ihos / magyar kabaréshow, VI / 13. rész
01:00 Zenés Randevú Balázs Palival / VII / 15. rész
02:00 Muzsika mix / szórakoztató műsor, 35. rész
04:00 Hazai / videóklipek, 5. rész


National TV
Час. пояс МСК -3

06:00 Stan si Bran - momente de exceptie
06:30 Specialisti in sanatate
06:55 Teleshopping
07:15 Voua
07:30 Serial: Crusoe, ep. 5
12:30 Stiri + Sport + Meteo
13:00 Serial: Destine ratacite, ep. 17
14:00 Iubire interzisa
15:45 Nebuni de iubire, ep. 14
17:30 Poama acra
19:30 Albumul National
21:15 Voua
22:00 Baronii
23:00 Stiri National TV
23:30 Baronii
00:00 Voua
00:15 Baronii
01:15 Serial: Suflete tradate, ep. 1091
02:15 Voua
02:30 Teleshopping
03:00 Traditii de la bunica



Час. пояс МСК -1

05:00 Dunk Contest: 2012 NBA
05:30 Dunk Contest: 2013 NBA
06:00 NBA GameTime
06:30 NBA GameTime
07:00 Hardwood Classics 2003 NBA All-Star Game MVP: Kevin Garnett
09:00 NBA GameTime
09:30 NBA GameTime
10:00 Dunk Contest: 2010 NBA
10:30 Dunk Contest: 2011 NBA
11:00 NBA GameTime
11:30 NBA GameTime
12:00 Hardwood Classics 2001 NBA All-Star Game MVP: Allen Iverson
14:00 NBA GameTime
14:30 NBA GameTime
15:00 Dunk Contest: 2012 NBA
15:30 Dunk Contest: 2013 NBA
16:00 NBA GameTime
16:30 NBA GameTime
17:00 Hardwood Classics 2003 NBA All-Star Game MVP: Kevin Garnett
19:00 NBA GameTime
19:30 NBA GameTime
20:00 Dunk Contest: 2010 NBA
20:30 Dunk Contest: 2011 NBA
21:00 Hardwood Classics 2001 NBA All-Star Game MVP: Allen Iverson
23:00 Hardwood Classics 2003 NBA All-Star Game MVP: Kevin Garnett
01:00 Dunk Contest: 1986 NBA
01:30 Dunk Contest: 1987 NBA
02:00 Hardwood Classics 2006 NBA All-Star Game MVP: LeBron James
04:00 Dunk Contest: 2000 NBA
04:30 Dunk Contest: 2008 NBA


Premier Sports 1

Час. пояс МСК -1

06:00 NASCAR Highlights: Big Machine Vodka 400
07:00 Swedish Speedway: Dackarna v Vastervik
09:00 Serie A: Juventus v Napoli
11:00 Serie A Highlights
12:00 NASCAR America
13:00 The MLS Show
13:30 LIVE CSL: Guangzhou R&F v Tianjin Tianhai
15:30 LIVE This is Premier Sports: Man Utd v Leicester
18:10 LIVE Serie A: Napoli v Sampdoria
20:00 The MLS Show
20:30 Premier Sports: Reloaded
20:40 LIVE Serie A: Inter Milan v Udinese
22:45 Serie A: Fiorentina v Juventus
23:00 Dream Team: UK Challenge
23:30 NASCAR America
00:30 LIVE NASCAR: South Point 400
00:45 Eredivisie: Ajax v Heerenveen
02:45 Eredivisie: PSV v Vitesse
04:45 Premier Sports: Reloaded


Premier Sports 2

Час. пояс МСК -1

07:00 Serie A: Lazio v Roma
09:00 NASCAR America
10:00 CSL: Shandong Luneng v Shanghai SIPG
12:00 MLS: Houston Dynamo v Minnesota
14:00 Inside Serie A
14:30 Eredivisie Highlights
15:30 BriSCA F1 Stock Cars: Kings Lynn
16:30 Swedish Speedway: Dackarna v Vastervik
18:25 LIVE Eredivisie: Ajax v Heerenveen
20:30 Premier Sports: Reloaded
20:40 LIVE Eredivisie: PSV v Vitesse
22:45 Serie A: Napoli v Sampdoria
23:05 LIVE MLS: Toronto v Colorado Rapids
00:45 Premier Sports: Reloaded
01:00 The MLS Show
01:35 LIVE MLS: Philadelphia v Los Angeles FC
03:30 Serie A: Fiorentina v Juventus


Sky Atlantic HD

Час. пояс МСК -1

05:50 Atlantic Special
06:05 Insecure. S2 E3
06:40 Animals. S2 E3
07:10 Animals. S2 E4
07:45 I’m Dying up Here. S1 E3
08:40 I’m Dying up Here. S1 E4
09:35 Behind the Scenes
09:40 Mein Dinner mit Hervé
11:25 Vice Principals. S2 E3
12:00 Vice Principals. S2 E4
12:35 Black Monday. S1 E3
13:10 Black Monday. S1 E4
13:45 High Maintenance. S3 E1
14:20 High Maintenance. S3 E2
14:50 The Young Pope. S1 E3
15:55 Fortitude. S1 E11
16:50 Fortitude. S1 E12
17:40 Deadwood. S1 E9
18:40 Deadwood. S1 E10
19:40 Barry. S2 E4
20:15 Warrior. S1 E1
21:15 Warrior. S1 E2
22:05 Muhammad Alis größter Kampf
23:45 True Detective. S1 E3
00:50 True Detective. S1 E4
01:50 Succession. S1 E3
02:50 Succession. S1 E4
03:50 Succession. S1 E5
04:45 Succession. S1 E6


Sky Cinema Action HD

Час. пояс МСК -1

05:20 Premium Rush
06:55 Slender Man
08:35 Der Fluch - The Grudge
10:10 Escobar: Paradise Lost
12:10 Luna
13:45 The Padre
15:25 Locked In
16:55 Premium Rush
18:30 Beowulf & Grendel
20:20 Gladiator
22:50 Nur Gott kann mich richten
00:35 Sinister 2
02:15 The Padre
03:55 Universal Soldier: Die Rückkehr


Sky Cinema Comedy HD

Час. пояс МСК -1

05:10 3 Engel für Charlie
06:50 3 Engel für Charlie - Volle Power
08:40 Men in Black
10:20 Men in Black II
11:50 Men in Black 3
13:35 Friends With Money
15:05 Meine erfundene Frau
17:00 Zickenterror - Der Teufel ist eine Frau
18:40 Die Stooges: Drei Vollpfosten drehen ab
20:15 National Security
21:45 Die Wutprobe
23:30 I Spy
01:10 Superhero Movie
02:40 Das Ewige Leben
04:45 BlacKkKlansman


Sky Cinema Emotion HD

Час. пояс МСК -1

05:30 The Archer
07:00 Lola gegen den Rest der Welt
08:30 Gefühlt Mitte Zwanzig
10:10 Wish I Was Here
11:55 Legenden der Leidenschaft
14:10 Professor Marston and the Wonder Women
16:00 Wie ein einziger Tag
18:05 P.S. Ich liebe Dich
20:15 Verliebt in die Braut
22:00 Liebe zu Besuch
23:40 Crazy Kind of Love
01:10 The Archer
02:35 Witness Unprotected
04:00 Lola gegen den Rest der Welt


Sky Cinema Family HD

Час. пояс МСК -1

06:30 Annie
08:40 Mission: Possible - Diese Kids sind nicht zu fassen!
10:15 Die Bestimmer - Kinder haften für ihre Eltern
12:05 Freche Mädchen
13:45 Freche Mädchen 2
15:25 Der kleine Nick macht Ferien
17:05 Zwei tolle Käfer räumen auf
18:40 Robots
20:15 Kuck mal, wer da spricht! 2
21:40 Bruder vor Luder
23:10 Teen Titans GO! to the Movies
00:35 Epic - Verborgenes Königreich
02:20 Ostwind 3 - Aufbruch nach Ora
04:15 Henry der Schreckliche


Sky Cinema HD

Час. пояс МСК -1

06:15 Unknown User: Dark Web
07:50 Halloween
09:40 Little Italy
11:25 Spider-Man: A New Universe
13:25 Mortal Engines: Krieg der Städte
15:35 Johnny English - Man lebt nur dreimal
17:05 Im Hier und Jetzt: Der beste Tag meines Lebens
18:40 Above Ground
20:15 Intrigo - Tod eines Autors
22:05 25 km/h
00:00 Halloween
01:50 Johnny English - Man lebt nur dreimal
03:25 Das schönste Mädchen der Welt


Sky Cinema Nostalgie HD

Час. пояс МСК -1

05:25 Bonanza. S2 E18
06:20 Bonanza. S2 E20
07:15 Bonanza. S2 E21
08:10 Bonanza. S2 E23
09:05 Bonanza. S2 E24
10:00 Bonanza. S2 E25
10:55 Bonanza. S2 E27
11:50 Bonanza. S2 E26
12:45 Bonanza. S2 E28
13:40 Bonanza. S2 E29
14:35 Bonanza. S2 E30
15:30 Bonanza. S2 E34
16:25 Bonanza. S2 E31
17:20 Bonanza. S2 E32
18:20 Bonanza. S2 E33
19:20 Bonanza. S3 E1
20:15 Bonanza. S3 E2
21:10 Bonanza. S3 E3
22:05 Bonanza. S3 E4
23:00 Bonanza. S3 E5
23:55 Bonanza. S3 E6
00:50 Bonanza. S3 E7
01:45 Bonanza. S3 E8
02:40 Bonanza. S3 E9
03:35 Bonanza. S3 E10
04:30 Bonanza. S3 E11


Sky Sport 1 HD

Час. пояс МСК -1

06:00 Golf-Tours (12+)
06:30 Handball: Bundesliga (12+)
08:30 Fußball: Champions League Magazin (12+)
09:00 Fußball: Premier League (12+)
09:20 Fußball: Premier League (12+)
11:20 Fußball: Premier League (12+)
11:50 Fußball: Premier League (12+)
12:20 Fußball: Premier League (12+)
12:50 Fußball: Premier League (12+)
13:20 Fußball: Premier League (12+)
15:50 Fußball: Premier League (12+)
18:20 Fußball: Premier League (12+)
20:30 Fußball: Premier League (12+)
22:30 Fußball: Premier League (12+)
23:00 Fußball: Premier League (12+)
01:00 Handball: Bundesliga (12+)
02:45 Handball: Bundesliga (12+)
04:30 Fußball: Premier League (12+)


Sky Sport 2 HD

Час. пояс МСК -1

05:15 Golf-Tours (12+)
05:30 Fußball: Premier League (12+)
07:30 Golf: Turnier in White Sulphur Springs (12+)
10:00 Golf: Turnier in Spijk (12+)
12:30 Reiten (12+)
13:30 Golf: Turnier in Taiwan (12+)
14:30 Golf: Turnier in Spijk (12+)
17:30 Golf-Tours (12+)
17:45 Fußball: Champions League Magazin (12+)
18:15 Handball: Bundesliga (12+)
20:00 Formel 1 (12+)
20:30 Formel 1 (12+)
21:00 Golf: Turnier in White Sulphur Springs (12+)
00:00 Golf: Turnier in White Sulphur Springs (12+)
02:30 Golf: Turnier in Spijk (12+)


Sky Sport News HD

Час. пояс МСК -1

06:00 Sky Sport News. D
09:00 Sky Sport News. D
11:00 Sky Sport News. D
14:00 Sky Sport News. D
17:00 Sky Sport News. D
21:00 Sky Sport News. D
00:00 Sky Sport News. D


Sky Sports Action HD

Час. пояс МСК -1

05:00 Sky Sports Boxing Gold
06:00 Great Sporting Moments
06:15 Great Sporting Moments
06:30 World Rugby Show
07:00 Triathlon
08:00 NFL: A Football Life
09:00 Sporting Records
09:30 World Rugby Show
10:00 NFL: America’s Game
11:00 NFL: A Football Life
12:00 NFL Highlights
13:00 World Rugby Show
13:30 George Groves: 4th Time Lucky
14:00 NFL Highlights
15:00 Darts Gold
15:15 Darts Gold
15:30 Sporting Records
16:00 Sporting Records
16:30 Darts Gold
17:00 NFL Highlights
18:00 NBC’s ProFootballTalk
20:00 Darts Gold
20:15 Legends of Darts
20:30 Sporting Records
21:00 Darts Gold
21:15 Legends of Darts
21:30 Sporting Records
22:00 NFL: A Football Life
23:00 NFL: America’s Game
00:00 Darts Gold
00:15 Legends of Darts
00:30 Sporting Records
01:00 Live Fight Night International
04:30 Sporting Greats


Sky Sports Arena HD

Час. пояс МСК -1

05:00 WWE Special
06:00 WWE Main Event
07:00 Great Sporting Moments
07:15 Great Sporting Moments
07:30 Live Mitre 10 Cup Rugby Union
09:25 Rugby Greatest Games
09:30 Betfred Super League Highlights
09:45 Super League Gold
10:00 Super League Gold
10:15 Super League Gold
10:30 Super League Gold
10:45 Super League Gold
11:00 WWE Special
12:00 Great Sporting Moments
12:15 Great Sporting Moments
12:30 Great Sporting Moments
12:45 Great Sporting Moments
13:00 Sporting Greats
13:30 Sporting Greats
14:00 Sporting Records
14:30 Sporting Records
15:00 WWE Special
16:00 WWE Smackdown
18:00 Live Betfred Super League
21:15 Super League Gold
21:30 Super League Gold
21:45 Super League Gold
22:00 WWE Special
23:00 Betfred Super League Highlights
23:15 Great Sporting Moments
23:30 Great Sporting Moments
23:45 Great Sporting Moments
00:00 Sporting Records
00:30 Sporting Records
01:00 Super League Gold
01:15 Super League Gold
01:30 Super League Gold
01:45 Super League Gold
02:00 Sporting Records
02:30 Live Mitre 10 Cup Rugby Union
04:25 Rugby Greatest Games
04:30 Sporting Records


Sky Sports F1 HD

Час. пояс МСК -1

05:00 The Home of Formula One
05:45 The Home of Formula One
06:15 The Home of Formula One
07:00 The Home of Formula One
07:30 The Home of Formula One
08:15 The Home of Formula One
08:45 The Home of Formula One
09:30 The Home of Formula One
10:00 Formula 1
11:00 Formula 1
12:00 Formula 1
13:00 Formula 1
14:00 Formula 1
15:00 Formula 1
16:00 Formula 1
17:00 Formula 1
18:00 Formula 1
19:00 Formula 1
20:00 F1 Classic Races
21:00 Formula 1
22:00 Formula 1
23:00 Formula 1
00:00 The Home of Formula One
00:45 The Home of Formula One
01:15 The Home of Formula One
02:00 The Home of Formula One
02:30 The Home of Formula One
03:15 The Home of Formula One
03:45 The Home of Formula One
04:30 The Home of Formula One


Sky Sports Football HD

Час. пояс МСК -1

05:00 EFL Greatest Games
05:15 EFL Greatest Games
05:30 EFL Greatest Games
05:45 EFL Greatest Games
06:00 Football’s Greatest Players
06:30 Football’s Greatest Players
07:00 Football Countdowns
07:30 Football Countdowns
08:00 Football Years
08:30 Football Years
09:00 EFL Highlights
10:00 The Fantasy Football Club
10:15 The Fantasy Football Club
10:30 Football’s Greatest Players
11:00 EFL Greatest Games
11:15 EFL Greatest Games
11:30 SPFL Greatest Games
11:45 SPFL Greatest Games
12:00 Football Countdowns
12:30 Football Countdowns
13:00 Football Years
13:30 Football Years
14:00 EFL Highlights
15:00 The Fantasy Football Club
15:15 The Fantasy Football Club
15:30 Football’s Greatest Players
16:00 EFL Greatest Games
16:15 EFL Greatest Games
16:30 SPFL Greatest Games
16:45 SPFL Greatest Games
17:00 Football Years
17:30 Football Years
18:00 Live EFL
21:30 EFL Highlights
22:30 The Fantasy Football Club
22:45 The Fantasy Football Club
23:00 Football Years
23:30 Football Years
00:00 Football Countdowns
00:30 Football Countdowns
01:00 SPFL Greatest Games
01:15 SPFL Greatest Games
01:30 The Fantasy Football Club
01:45 The Fantasy Football Club
02:00 Championship Season Review
03:00 EFL Greatest Games
03:15 EFL Greatest Games
03:30 Football Countdowns
04:00 Football’s Greatest Players
04:30 Football Years


Sky Sports Main Event HD

Час. пояс МСК -1

05:00 Good Morning Sports Fans Bitesize
05:30 Good Morning Sports Fans Bitesize
06:00 Good Morning Sports Fans
06:30 Live Solheim Cup Golf
09:00 The Ashes - Live
18:00 Live EFL
21:30 Sky Sports News
22:00 Sky Sports News
23:00 Sky Sports News
23:30 Live Caribbean Premier League
01:00 Live Fight Night International
04:30 Sky Sports News


Sky Sports Mix HD

Час. пояс МСК -1

05:00 Good Morning Sports Fans Bitesize
05:30 Good Morning Sports Fans Bitesize
06:00 Good Morning Sports Fans
06:30 Live Solheim Cup Golf
17:30 WWE Experience
18:30 NFL Highlights
19:30 Game Changers
20:00 My Icon
20:15 My Icon
20:30 Game Changers
21:00 Sporting Records
21:30 Game Changers
22:00 Great Sporting Moments
22:30 Great Sporting Moments
23:00 My Icon
23:15 My Icon
23:30 Mix Shorts
00:00 Mix Shorts
00:30 Mix Shorts
01:00 Mix Shorts
01:30 Mix Shorts
02:00 Mix Shorts
02:30 Mix Shorts
03:00 Mix Shorts
03:30 Mix Shorts
04:00 Mix Shorts
04:30 Mix Shorts


Sky Sports Premier League HD

Час. пояс МСК -1

05:00 PL Greatest Games
05:15 PL Greatest Games
05:30 PL Greatest Games
05:45 PL Greatest Games
06:00 The Debate
07:00 Premier League Best Goals
07:30 Premier League Best Goals
08:00 Premier League 100 Club
08:30 Premier League 100 Club
09:00 Premier League Years
11:00 The Debate
12:00 Premier League Years
14:00 Premier League Best Goals
15:00 PL Greatest Games
15:15 PL Greatest Games
15:30 PL Greatest Games
15:45 PL Greatest Games
16:00 Premier League 100 Club
16:30 Premier League 100 Club
17:00 Premier League Match Pack, S2019E5
17:30 Premier League Legends. PL Legends: Thierry Henry, S2014E13
18:00 Premier League Preview
18:30 PL Greatest Games
18:45 PL Greatest Games
19:00 Gary Neville’s Soccerbox. Sol Campbell, S1E5/6
19:30 Gary Neville’s Soccerbox. Ryan Giggs, S1E6/6
20:00 Premier League Preview
20:30 PL Greatest Games
20:45 PL Greatest Games
21:00 Premier League 100 Club
22:00 Premier League Preview
22:30 PL Greatest Games
22:45 PL Greatest Games
23:00 Premier League Best Goals
00:00 Premier League Years
02:00 PL Greatest Games
02:15 PL Greatest Games
02:30 PL Greatest Games
02:45 PL Greatest Games
03:00 Premier League Best Goals
04:00 Premier League Best Goals
04:30 Premier League 100 Club


Sony Entertainment

Час. пояс МСК -1

05:20 Queen of Hearts
06:15 Queen of Hearts
07:10 Queen of Hearts
08:05 My Kitchen Rules
09:10 My Kitchen Rules
10:15 My Kitchen Rules
11:20 New Amsterdam
12:15 New Amsterdam
13:10 New Amsterdam
14:05 New Amsterdam
15:00 New Amsterdam
15:55 Cougar Town
16:20 Cougar Town
16:45 Cougar Town
17:10 Cougar Town
17:35 Cougar Town
18:00 Friends with Benefits
20:00 A Man Called Ove
22:05 Eye Candy
22:55 The Irony Of Fate 2
01:00 The Great British Bake Off
02:00 The Great British Bake Off
03:00 The Great British Bake Off
04:05 Gloss
04:30 Gloss


Sony Turbo Baltic

Час. пояс МСК -1

05:00 Gloss S5E50
05:05 Gloss S5E51
05:10 Star Trek: The Next Generation S7E9
05:55 Star Trek: The Next Generation S7E10
06:40 Star Trek: The Next Generation S7E11
07:25 The Real Ghostbusters S1E6
07:50 The Real Ghostbusters S1E7
08:15 The Real Ghostbusters S1E8
08:40 The Real Ghostbusters S1E9
09:05 The Real Ghostbusters S1E10
09:30 Merlin S5E9
10:15 Merlin S5E10
11:00 Merlin S5E11
11:45 Merlin S5E12
12:30 Merlin S5E13
13:20 Doctor Who S5E4
14:05 Doctor Who S5E5
14:50 Doctor Who S5E6
15:40 Doctor Who S5E7
16:25 Doctor Who S5E8
17:10 Top Gear S22E3
18:05 Top Gear S22E4
19:00 Superbad
20:50 Confidence: After Dark
22:20 Breaking Bad S1E1
23:10 Breaking Bad S1E2
00:00 Breaking Bad S1E3
00:50 Jessica Jones S1E12
01:45 Jessica Jones S1E13
02:35 The Fall of the Empire S1E3
03:30 The Fall of the Empire S1E4
04:25 Men in Black S1E7
04:50 Gloss S5E54
04:55 Star Trek: The Next Generation S7E12



Час. пояс МСК -1

06:00 WTA Premier Zhengzhou
07:30 LIVE! WTA International Hiroshima
10:00 LIVE! WTA Premier Zhengzhou
11:30 LIVE! WTA Premier Zhengzhou
13:30 Supertennis Today
14:00 LIVE! WTA International Nanchang
14:45 Supertennis Today
15:00 WTA International Hiroshima (differita)
16:45 Supertennis Today
17:00 WTA International Nanchang (differita)
18:30 Supertennis Today
18:45 WTA Premier Zhengzhou
20:45 WTA Premier Zhengzhou
22:30 Mazda Padel Tour Pisana
22:45 WTA International Hiroshima
00:30 WTA International Nanchang
02:00 WTA International Hiroshima
04:00 WTA Premier Zhengzhou


TV3 Sport HD

Час. пояс МСК -1

11:30 Championship: Derby-Cardiff
13:25 Championship: Fulham-West Bromwich
15:30 Premier League-studion med Stryktipset
15:55 Championship: Hull-Wigan
18:00 Premier League-studion med Stryktipset
18:25 Bundesliga: Düsseldorf-Wolfsburg
20:25 Belgiska ligan: Cercle Brügge-Club Brügge
22:30 Championship: Fulham-West Bromwich
00:20 MLB»s Best
00:50 NFL: Carolina Panthers-Tampa Bay Buccaneers
03:50 Sändningsuppehåll


Час. пояс МСК -3

06:30 Handbal feminin Liga Florilor Etapa 4
08:00 Telejurnal Sport Meteo
08:30 Ora Regelui
09:30 Serial: Pistruiatul, ep. 4
10:15 Discover Romania
10:30 Vedeta populara
11:30 Vedeta populara
12:30 Teleenciclopedia Paolo Veronese - Nunta din Cana
13:30 MomentArt
13:40 Sport
14:00 Telejurnal Stiri
15:00 Dosar Romania
16:00 Serial: Napoleon, ep. 2
17:00 Profesionistii…
18:00 Teleenciclopedia
19:00 Arheologia crimelor comunismului, ep. 10: Atatea semne
20:00 Serial: Napoleon, ep. 2
20:50 MomentArt
21:00 Adevaruri despre trecut
21:25 Viata satului
22:40 Viata satului
23:35 Teleshopping
00:30 #Creativ
01:00 Universul credintei
02:00 Universul credintei
03:00 M. A. I. aproape de tine
03:30 Pro Patria
04:00 In gradina Danei
04:35 Viata satului


Час. пояс МСК -3

05:00 Handbal masculin Liga Zimbrilor etapa 3
06:30 Cap compas
07:00 Memorialul Durerii
08:00 Gala umorului
09:00 Femei de 10, barbati de 10
11:00 Zile cu stil
11:30 MotorVlog
12:00 Serial: Putere si inocenta
12:52 E vremea ta!
13:00 TelejurnalSport
14:10 Film: Detectivul Dee si misterul flacarii-fantoma
16:20 Serial: Onoare si respect
17:55 Poate nu stiai
18:00 Zile cu stil
18:35 MotorVlog
19:10 Film: Detectivul Dee si misterul flacarii-fantoma
21:10 Serial: Onoare si respect
22:35 Serial: Sid, micul savant, ep. 18, 19
23:30 Pescar hoinar
00:00 MotorVlog
00:30 Teleshopping
01:00 Regatul salbatic
01:30 Serial: Putere si inocenta
02:30 Directia: sud-vest!
03:00 Ferma
04:00 Pescar hoinar
04:30 Natura si aventura


Час. пояс МСК -3

06:30 Handbal feminine Liga Florilor Etapa 4
08:00 Telejurnal
08:30 5 x 5 minute de istorie
09:00 Daruieste, Romanie!
10:30 Lumea si noi
11:00 Ora regelui
11:50 Garantat 100%
12:40 Memorialul durerii
14:00 Telejurnal Stiri
15:00 Martha Bibescu - Doamna cu trandafiri
16:10 Gala umorului
17:00 Film: Inghititorul de sabii
18:50 Festivalul International de Folclor «Cantecele muntior» Editia 2
20:30 5 x 5 minute de istorie
21:00 Telejurnal Stiri
22:00 Film: ANA
23:30 Iasii marilor iubiri
00:00 Drumul lui Lese
01:00 Universul credintei
01:50 Diasporadar
02:00 Universul credintei
03:00 Regatul salbatic
03:30 Drumuri aproape
04:00 In gradina Danei
04:35 Viata satului. Partea I


Viasat Fotboll HD

Час. пояс МСК -1

09:45 Premier League Review
10:45 Bundesliga: Düsseldorf-Wolfsburg
12:55 Skotska ligan: Hamilton-Celtic
15:20 Bundesliga: Dortmund-Leverkusen
17:30 Premier League World
18:00 Champions League Weekly
18:30 Belgiska ligan: Charleroi-Genk
20:30 Premier League: Tottenham-Crystal Palace
22:20 Premier League: Manchester United-Leicester
00:10 Premier League: Liverpool-Newcastle
02:00 Bundesliga: Leipzig-Bayern München
03:50 Sändningsuppehåll


Viasat Golf HD

Час. пояс МСК -1

09:00 School of Golf
09:30 Swing Expedition
10:00 European Tour: KLM Open - Runda 2
13:00 European Tour: KLM Open - Runda 3
17:30 Viasat Golf Card
18:00 Golf Central
18:30 European Tour: KLM Open - Runda 3
23:00 PGA EuroPro Tour Highlights
01:00 Golf Channel Academy
01:30 Golf Channel Academy


Viasat Hockey HD

Час. пояс МСК -1

11:00 NHL: San Jose Sharks-Vegas Golden Knights
13:00 NHL: New York Rangers-Detroit Red Wings
15:00 NHL: Nashville Predators-Toronto Maple Leafs
17:00 NHL: Buffalo Sabres-Toronto Maple Leafs
19:00 NHL: Washington Capitals-Tampa Bay Lightning
21:00 NHL: Vancouver Canucks-Ottawa Senators
23:00 NHL: Montreal Canadiens-New York Islanders
01:00 Sändningsuppehåll


Viasat Motor HD

Час. пояс МСК -1

06:00 Supercars Championship: Auckland - Race 1
07:50 Sändningsuppehåll
09:45 MotoGP: San Marino Träning 3
11:00 MotoGP Klassiker: Imola 1996
12:00 Mobil 1: The Grid
12:30 MotoGP: San Marino Moto3 Kval
13:20 MotoGP: San Marino Träning 4
14:10 MotoGP: San Marino Kval
15:05 MotoGP: San Marino Moto2 Kval
16:15 Supercars Championship: Auckland - Race 1
18:30 MotoGP: San Marino Träning 3
19:40 MotoGP: San Marino Moto3 Kval
20:35 MotoGP: San Marino Träning 4
21:30 MotoGP: San Marino Kval
22:30 MotoGP: San Marino Moto2 Kval
23:30 Mobil 1: The Grid
00:00 NASCAR Highlights: Cup Series Big Machine Vodka 400 at the Brickyard
01:00 Formel 1 Highlights: Italiens GP
02:00 Sändningsuppehåll


Viasat Sport HD Premium

Час. пояс МСК -1

08:30 Bundesliga: Düsseldorf-Wolfsburg
10:30 Championship: Derby-Cardiff
12:30 Premier League Preview
13:00 Premier League-studion
13:25 Premier League: Liverpool-Newcastle
15:30 Premier League-studion
15:55 Premier League: Manchester United-Leicester
18:00 Premier League-studion
18:25 Premier League: Norwich-Manchester City
20:30 Premier League: Wolverhampton-Chelsea
22:20 Premier League: Sheffield United-Southampton
00:10 Premier League: Brighton-Burnley
02:00 Championship: Fulham-West Bromwich
03:50 Sändningsuppehåll


Viasat Ultra HD

Час. пояс МСК -1

10:00 RedBull TV
13:25 Premier League: Liverpool-Newcastle
15:30 Formel 1: Italiens GP - Race
17:30 Sändningsuppehåll
18:25 Bundesliga: Leipzig-Bayern München
20:30 Premier League: Liverpool-Newcastle
22:30 Sändningsuppehåll


Первый канал Европа

Час. пояс МСК -1

05:00 Новости
05:10 х/ф «Мачеха», 2 ч
06:10 т/с «Красная королева», 5 и 6 с
08:00 «Играй, гармонь любимая!»
08:40 «Слово пастыря»
09:00 Новости (с субтитрами)
09:15 «Ирина Роднина. Женщина с характером»
10:10 «Теория заговора»
11:00 Новости (с субтитрами)
11:15 «Честное слово» с Юрием Николаевым
11:55 «Иосиф Кобзон. Песня моя - судьба моя»
17:15 Премьера. Вечер-посвящение Иосифу Кобзону
20:00 «Время»
20:20 «Клуб Веселых и Находчивых». Летний кубок 2019
22:30 Премьера. х/ф «Как Витька Чеснок вез Леху Штыря в дом инвалидов»
00:00 х/ф «Бабушка лёгкого поведения»
01:30 х/ф «Мой ласковый и нежный зверь»
03:15 «Про любовь»
04:00 «Наедине со всеми»


РТР-Планета Европа

Час. пояс МСК -1

05:00 Утро России. Суббота (12+)
08:20 По секрету всему свету (12+)
08:40 Местное время. Суббота (12+)
09:20 Сто к одному (12+)
10:00 Вести (12+)
10:20 Вести. Местное время (12+)
10:40 Пешком... (Москва - Ленинградское шоссе) (12+)
11:10 Пятеро на одного (12+)
11:50 Петросян-шоу (12+)
13:40 Мезальянс (12+)
17:05 Привет, Андрей! (12+)
19:00 Вести в субботу (12+)
20:00 Мама Маша (12+)
23:20 Романтика романса (12+)
00:15 Чужие письма (6+)
01:55 Пусть говорят (12+)


СТС Балтия

Час. пояс МСК -1

05:00 Ералаш. 1 с-н 85 с
05:10 Ералаш. 1 с-н 86 с
05:20 Ералаш. 1 с-н 87 с
05:25 Ералаш. 1 с-н 88 с
05:35 Ералаш. 1 с-н 89 с
05:45 Ералаш. 1 с-н 90 с
05:55 Ералаш. 1 с-н 91 с
06:05 Ералаш. 1 с-н 92 с
06:15 Ералаш. 1 с-н 93 с
06:25 Ералаш. 1 с-н 94 с
06:35 Три кота. 3 с
06:40 Три кота. 4 с
06:45 Три кота. 5 с
06:50 Три кота. 6 с
06:55 Три кота. 7 с
07:00 Три кота. 8 с
07:05 Три кота. 9 с
07:20 Три кота. 10 с
07:25 Три кота. 11 с
07:30 Три кота. 12 с
07:35 Три кота. 13 с
07:40 Три кота. 14 с
07:45 Три кота. 15 с
07:50 Три кота. 16 с
07:55 Три кота. 17 с
08:05 Три кота. 18 с
08:10 Три кота. 19 с
08:15 Три кота. 20 с
08:20 Три кота. 21 с
08:25 Три кота. 22 с
08:30 Развлечеба. 181 с
08:35 ПроСТО кухня. 56 с
09:10 ПроСТО кухня. 57 с
09:40 Рогов. Студия 24. 38 с
10:40 Рогов. Студия 24. 6 с
11:40 Руссо туристо. 10 с
12:10 Руссо туристо. 11 с
12:40 Руссо туристо. 12 с
13:15 Мосгорсмех. 1 с-н 5 с
13:45 Мосгорсмех. 1 с-н 6 с
14:15 Беловодье. Тайна затерянной страны. 1 с-н 4 с
15:15 Беловодье. Тайна затерянной страны. 1 с-н 5 с
16:20 Беловодье. Тайна затерянной страны. 1 с-н 6 с
17:20 Беловодье. Тайна затерянной страны. 1 с-н 7 с
18:20 Слава Богу, ты пришёл! 2 с-н 11 с
19:25 Kухня. 1 с-н 3 с
19:55 Kухня. 1 с-н 4 с
20:25 Kухня. 1 с-н 5 с
20:55 Kухня. 1 с-н 6 с
21:25 Слава Богу, ты пришёл! 2 с-н 11 с
22:30 Психологини. 2 с-н 6 с
23:00 Психологини. 2 с-н 7 с
23:20 Психологини. 2 с-н 8 с
23:45 Психологини. 2 с-н 9 с
00:10 6 кадров. 162 с
00:35 6 кадров. 163 с
01:00 6 кадров. 164 с
01:25 6 кадров. 165 с
01:45 6 кадров. 166 с
02:10 6 кадров. 167 с
02:35 ПроСТО кухня. 56 с
03:00 ПроСТО кухня. 57 с
03:20 Рогов. Студия 24. 38 с


ТНТ-International (Европа)

Час. пояс МСК -1

05:00 ТНТ. Best
05:30 ТНТ. Best
06:00 ТНТ. Best
06:30 ТНТ. Best
07:00 ТНТ. Gold
07:30 ТНТ. Gold
08:00 ТНТ. Gold
08:30 ТНТ. Gold
09:00 «Дом 2. Lite». Реалити-шоу
10:00 «Дом 2. Остров любви». Реалити-шоу
11:00 «Где логика?». Игровое шоу
12:00 «Где логика?». Игровое шоу
13:00 «Где логика?». Игровое шоу
14:00 «Comedy Club»
15:00 «Comedy Club»
16:00 «Comedy Club»
17:00 х/ф «На край света»
19:00 т/с «Жуки», 5 с
19:30 т/с «Жуки», 6 с
20:00 т/с «Жуки», 7 с
20:30 т/с «Жуки», 8 с
21:00 «Танцы», 6 с-н 5 эп
23:00 «Дом 2. Город любви». Реалити-шоу
00:00 «Дом 2. После заката». Реалити-шоу
01:00 «Открытый микрофон»
02:00 «Открытый микрофон»
03:00 «Открытый микрофон»
04:00 «Открытый микрофон»
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